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CC again?

sgreer2015sgreer2015 Member
in General 73 karma

Im trying to figure out where to go from here. I’ve taken 4 PTs 50, 51, 60, 61 And I got a 166, 163, 165, and a 159 respectively. It seems like I’m not improving and I did the best right after finishing The CC. I’ve had a lot of stress in my life for the past few weeks which could explain the dip, but I’m taking the August exam. I guess I’m trying to figure out if I should 1) do the CC again, 2) stop taking PTs and go through sets untimed or 3) keep taking PTs and blind reviewing


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Hey I'm really sorry to hear about the stress, and I hope things get better for you.

    I would ask - how much time are you spending on the BR? When do you do the BR (same day as PT? Different day?). What are your BR scores?

    Also, are you doing drills between PTs?

  • sgreer2015sgreer2015 Member
    73 karma

    Thank you. Things should quiet down after this weekend so hopefully I can get back on track. I am taking my time with BR, but I definitely should spend more time on it. My BR scores are closer to the 170s, so I definitely am understanding it, maybe a little rushed/ distracted. I've noticed that when I can really focus I am getting -3/-1 in LR. I am doing drills, mostly just individual timed sections rather than three in a row.

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    I would definitely recommend spending more time on the BR rather than going back to the CC! You should aim to miss 0 in LG when BR and 0-2 for the other sections.

    By drills, I would maybe recommend doing something shorter than a complete timed section. So what I would do is filter the Problem Set section by 5-star logic games and foolproof them one at a time, or filter by 5-star RC passages and take/BR them one at a time. Taking individual timed sections is useful for adjusting to timing and fatigue, but honing in on just one passage or just one game is really helpful for building comprehension and speed in my opinion.

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