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Suggestions on how to improve??

fullstopfullstop Member
in General 169 karma

I took my first ever diagnostic from Khan Academy about a month ago and scored a 152, and recently took a PT and scored 158. I’m enjoying the CC and it’s definitely helped me approach questions better, but I continue to have significant issues with MBT, parallel method and flaw questions. Any suggestions on how I can improve in these? My approach so far has been to practice the hardest questions from the problem sets. I have plenty of time before giving the actual test, but I’m hoping to see my score hit 165 consistently in the coming months. Hadn’t got time to foolproof logic games till now but will be doing that post improving my LR performance.

Suggestions on how to improve in these areas – especially from those who have recorded drastic improvements – are welcome. Help out a fellow Sager!


    591 karma

    For MBT questions, you have to be able to see what inferences are valid and what are not. Practice making inferences. During BR, analyze each AC why it's not valid or why it is.

    For parallel questions, you have to see the reasoning method, or the reasoning flaw, or the principle underlying the stimulus, then pick the one that uses the same reasoning. Think ahead in each answer choice. Think what the AC should say, and also find out why other ACs are wrong, for example, they should have said something but they didn't.

    For flaw questions, first think whether it's descriptively accurate, then whether it's the flaw.

    If you have trouble doing these question types, you should revise CC.

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