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Hi everyone! I'm consistently seeing a gap between my actual and BR scores on the prep tests, where my actual scores are in the mid 160s and my BRs are mid-high 170s. This is usually driven by my RC and LR sections - I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for bridging this gap?
I'm taking the August LSAT so looking for anything I can do that could help me improve my score in two weeks. Any tips would be helpful, thanks all!
Following -I am trying to work on the same thing myself. I think it may be jus met overthinking or loosing concentration during some questions. But also trying to improve closer to the BR.
Following! I've been noticing that i often have huge gaps between my regular and BR score. Recently its been as high as 13 pts, its reassuring to know that I have the potential to reach those scores, but frustrating and discouraging that i'm not /:
Hello everyone,
I asked this question a few weeks ago BC my PT's were 156/157 consistently and by BR were 167/169 consistently (7 PTs). However I did have one bad one where I got a 153 PT and an 168 BR. The answer that I got was to slow down on the PTs I was doing one every 3-4 days. The person who told me this got a 174. Secondly was to make sure I was (depending on score you want) getting -0/-1 on LG. Then after that was to go through and BR very very meticulously and literally type/write why an answer is wrong and why it is correct. If you cannot do that for all 5 answer choices then you don't fully understand that question. After that go back over old PT's and see what question types are your worst. I did this by going to the analytics and clicking on the right hand side of the screen where it gives you the priority level for the LR questions. And checking the total raw number wrong for each question type and not factoring in how often X question type comes up. Once I had the the raw numbers I went back to the CC and reviewed the types of questions I got wrong the most. I also wrote out why the correct answer is right and why the others ACs are wrong for every question I did. I use to struggle soooooo much on SA,NS PSA,MBT that were any harder than a medium question, now these questions, generally, are my bread and butter. I went though the CC for these questions and I was like WOW, I appreciate these lessons 100 times over and got so much more from them a 2nd go around.
For RC I did the same method as LR, but I would also do a minimum of one timed passage a day to keep my timing consistent because I had issues with going over by a minute on the first passage, this happened every time I took a PT. This helped me go from 156/157 to 163/164. But now my BR is in the 170's and my PT is in the 160's. I will continue to do what I have been doing because I has worked for me so far. I started with a diagnostic of 142. I hope this helps. I brought my PT closer to my BR but then my BR just jumped up one day and hasn't come back down.
I'd consider looking at how you're approaching the test in terms of your strategy. It sounds like you've got the content down well (woohoo!) but need some work in how to cover more ground in less time. Something that's really helped me is solidifying a plan for LR (when I'm skipping, when I'm not, what to come back to, a plan for when I come back etc.). Skipping has really made a difference for me to bridge my BR and timed score
Brookegojazz you are completely right! I have neglected this part, thank you for bringing that up. I hope this will further help me bridge my gap!
kkole444 and brookegojazz thank you both so much! I'm going to try these approaches and see what happens! Good luck to you all with your prep!