Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Hello Darkness, my old friend (August LSAT Sad..Discouraged) - 7Sage Forum

Hello Darkness, my old friend (August LSAT Sad..Discouraged)

Jessica Pearson PopeJessica Pearson Pope Core Member
edited September 2020 in August 2020 LSAT 31 karma

Just received my August LSAT Flex score. I had been studying since May / Early June, while working an internship at the beginning of my studies.

I come from a political background, worked in politics, and have a 3.7 GPA. My diagnostic was a 142 in April. And I began PT'ing from 159-162 all summer . . . (which is okay since I am Canadian and honestly was aiming for 160's). My final official score was a 149. Since it was my first time taking the LSAT, I signed up for score preview and cancelled that immediately!

Overall, I feel really bad about myself to say the least.. and I don't really think my family and friends understand the challenges and nuances of the test ... which is fine but overall, feeling very low and alone. Don't really know what else to say except that I still really want to go to law school, as my whole life has been working up to this point. I am hoping to get back into the swing of things, since i took the past 2 weeks as a break (I never really took breaks this summer) and hopefully since I registered as a back-up for the November the test I can get back to PT'ing in the 160's.

I usually did timed sections, did not really do as much blind review of ALL answers on PT's . . . only the ones I got wrong.

I honestly just want a 165 and my sanity back.

Any tips from those who have had retake? Maybe studying tips or a study group... I don't know.

Also, I am applying this cycle. So I am also stressed with essay writing and now studying. So, time management tips also welcome.

Thanks for listening.


  • Heinz DoofenshmirtzHeinz Doofenshmirtz Member
    481 karma

    I'm sorry to hear about that---it can definitely be crushing since sometimes it seems like we give our whole lives to this test!
    Did you feel very anxious on test day? Do you think it played a factor in your score?

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    you're not alone. i was also blindsided and very disappointed by my august score. im going to take a day or two to regroup and will sign up for november. this was my second time taking the test, the first time i had severe technical issues (july lsat flex) and had terrible test anxiety and just completely blanked. at least you have the option to cancel this score, which is really good!

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