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Study Schedule

rdr961412rdr961412 Core Member
edited September 2020 in General 17 karma

I feel like I am struggling with productivity during my day of studying and its really bringing me down that I am constantly feeling unmotivated or like I am just not studying enough in a day. I am working on FPing right now, but I am literally only getting through two games a day. I take breaks because if not my attention span is shot, but ive just noticed that I have been at this for about 5 hours and have only done 2 games from 1 section. I am trying to wake up earlier because I am so unproductive because I am thinking that if i study more hours I will hopefully be able to get done in a day what a productive person gets done within a few hours.
I am not PTing yet, but FPing LG (best timed is -8) and trying untimed RC (-12 yikes) and trying to just do a few LR Qs a day (-4).
Does anyone else feel like this and how did you motivate yourself to be more productive?
Drop your study schedules in the comments because I feel like maybe being on a tight schedule will help me be more rigorous


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Okay, first: take a deep breath. Many of us feel this way. You're not going to become a more temporally organized person over night, but you can start by removing the stress about the amount of productivity. It causes anxiety and tension which in turn make it harder to not want to avoid study. Decide you're going to do at least X games in a given time. Maybe 4 or 5 to start with.
    Take your materials and go somewhere new. Library, cafe, McDonald's, whatever.
    Turn off or remove any distractions. Log out of social media, leave your phone in your bag or car, whatever pulls you away from your work. Block out the world and just do games. No stress, no pressure, you're just solving a challenging puzzle. You're just playing a game that you can win. Do not stop after one game. You don't get to stop on the test. Do your 4-5 games and decide if you want to do one more. When you've completed your goal pack up and go home.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Also, comparing your study schedule to others when you are already stressed about not being productive will not be helpful. It will only put more stress on you. This will not let you learn. It raises what we call your affective filter which blocks the acquisition of knowledge.

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