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PSA!!! LSAC changed November LSAT registration deadline to Sept. 23rd: Read if You Missed It!

D_man1071D_man1071 Member
edited September 2020 in General 130 karma

Fellow 7sagers,

Due to LSAC moving the Nov. LSAT from the 14th to the 7th (in-person --> flex), the registration deadline changed from Sept 30th to Sept. 23rd. However, unsurprisingly, LSAC did a horrible job of making this known and actually failed to update the deadline page until a couple weeks later. I think they know this and are being pretty lenient with those seeking to register past the deadline.

I called Friday afternoon and simply told the woman on the phone, "Hey, I'm kind of freaking out because I had no idea LSAC changed the registration date." She said, "Well we don't want you freaking out because that isn't healthy, so let's go ahead and get you registered for November." LOL

Granted I had to wait on the phone for an hour, but once I got through it took two minutes to register and she was super understanding. If they give you a hard time, tell them you weren't able to register until late September due to financial reasons or something like that.

I was absolutely devastated last week thinking that I may have just ruined my chances for this cycle. So if you are in the same boat, I urge you to call Monday and plead your case. I am almost certain you will get registered. I hope this post brings a sigh of relief.

Best of luck!


  • california128california128 Member
    5 karma

    Thank you so much for this advice! I was freaking out too because I couldve sworn the deadline was the 30th and had no idea they changed it. I hope they still let me register!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I just wish it were open to international applicants. It's online for crying out loud.

  • scapizziscapizzi Core Member
    20 karma

    Thank you so much for this post! I am definitely going to call in first thing and the morning and have my fingers crossed that I’ll receive the same results.

  • Emmer28Emmer28 Core Member
    34 karma

    I could have sworn when I was looking at registering it with the 7th, then when I do register it was the 14th and I am like uhh I thought I was registering for the 7th?. Looking back they do not make that change clear either. frustrating

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