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New PT high! 154 to174

canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
in General 8491 karma

After straddling the 170 threshold forever, I finally made some progress hitting 174/180 BR on PT88... this with a worse than normal RC performance. Feels like something new definitely just clicked in terms of timing/sequence strategy (maybe to be more precise, the application of strategy) especially in LR. All thanks to 7sage analytics and review methods! I kind of felt stuck and discouraged for a while, so I just wanted to put it out there that when you feel like this, just take a break, reset, and push forward.

Also, PT88 is just excellent. Just finishing up my deep-after-BR-review and in my opinion, you are doing yourself a disservice if you test without having done this PT.


  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    4312 karma

    Appreciate the words of encouragement! Congrats on having a breakthrough :)

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @"Law and Yoda" Thanks! I wanted to share because there are definitely days when I need to come on here and see others making hard fought progress to keep myself going.

  • baneeeeebaneeeee Core Member
    5 karma

    how long did it take for you to make that jump?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @bencyrulnik I finished the CC and started PT'ing in February. Hit 170 in june, then stayed in the mid/high 160s until august when I hit 171 a couple times. Been throwing up 168/169s from then until yesterday's 174.

  • sammychewssammychews Member
    edited October 2020 210 karma

    First of all, congrats!!

    I'd love to hear your reasoning on why PT88 is excellent! I'm taking the Nov. exam and I've been trying to figure out which PTs to take these last few weeks of prep! Also, were you studying full time or studying + work/school?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited October 2020 8491 karma

    @sammychews Thanks! I'm currently a sub teacher so its been somewhere in between full time work and full time study.

    As far as 88, I haven't actually compared data against other tests, but I felt like it had:

    Games that were challenging but allowed for success if you kept your head, so good test of AR skills, psychological test taking competencies, and strategy application under time. Also a nice albeit not completely representative mix of game types.

    A good range of RC difficulty in both passages and questions, including some stems that definitely made you pay if you weren't fully invested. I can usually do a -1 (-2 on a bad day/-0 on a good day) and went -4 on this one.

    LR sections that were well rounded with some really good questions that will teach you a lot about your current processes.

    Overall in RC and LR it felt like the stim/stem/ac formulations were just a bit higher level... not incredibly so and not consistently throughout, but scattered about and nuanced in a way that just had me like "clever girl..." </jurassic park>.

    Just my post PT subjective take.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I do not know what it is about the late 80's PTs, but they helped me hit a breakthrough with the help of my BR partner as well. While I will absolutely give her most of the credit, BRing through the questions in 87-89 led to things suddenly clicking for me as well. I did not have time to see my average go up, but after those, reviewing all my oll failed difficult questions I got nearly all of them right quickly where before those tests I just could not understand them often. I think it may have to do with the difference in why those questions are difficult. The late 80's has a lot of questions where instead of figuring out which of two+ appealing answer choices is right you have to figure out why an answer that does not seem solid is still good. I think that shift helped me to see the questions differently. I think 88 was my all time high and when I took 87 the next week and thought I did terrible because it was so hard I ended up with a 176. That saved me after the test. I would be freaking out so much harder waiting for my score if not for that.

  • nanabillannanabillan Member
    347 karma

    Great to hear! And thanks for sharing about those PTs. Will def do those @VerdantZephyr @canihazJD

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    You're very welcome @nanabillan and, because I forgot to say it earlier, a big congratulations. That is hard work you should be very proud of.

  • 219 karma

    GREAT job! And fun to read your feedback. Way to go!

  • mariakalambmariakalamb Core Member
    8 karma

    Wow! Congratulations!! That’s awesome 👏🏾

  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    417 karma

    I knew it was coming @canihazJD congrats!!

  • 102 karma

    Congrats!! That's awesome thanks for the inspiration!!!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited October 2020 8491 karma

    @gabfletcher128 @Top14ForMe @mariakalamb @"Elizabeth B." @nanabillan Thanks! Credit to this place for sure.

    @VerdantZephyr I definitely agree with this:

    The late 80's has a lot of questions where instead of figuring out which of two+ appealing answer choices is right you have to figure out why an answer that does not seem solid is still good.

    Really helps you develop a more well rounded intuitive analysis... those ones are also usually the curvebreakers too.

    Onward and upward.

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