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Faith in the Fool Proof Method LG

TheQueenTheQueen Member
in Logic Games 87 karma

I am struggling to believe that by memorizing all the inferences and rules of the core curriculum LGs that I will somehow be able to do all the LGs that come at me. I have trusted in JY's process up until this point but I feel as though I have to make a leap of faith here when everything else has made sense logically. I have been diligently learning the games, memorizing, repeating, and moving on and still I get stuck and make sloppy mistakes. I think if I believe that this method will work, it will have a better chance of sticking. Someone take me to church on this please. I know that this has been discussed here before but I still don't think I've found a satisfactory answer. Thank you all!


  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    edited October 2020 4312 karma

    Definitely have faith in it lol. I think of it more as building muscle memory which allows you to intuitively remember inferences and game board set ups. It isn't just about memorization but exercising your brain to recognize certain aspects that continue to be recycled in games. I fool proofed games 1-35 doing each about 3 times over. I applied what I learned to games 35-45 and saw a huge difference in how I thought about games. The goal is to learn, memorization comes with true understanding.

  • chellevangchellevang Member
    136 karma

    I can attest to it's effectiveness! It is not so much memorizing inferences, but rather seeing many of the same ones which can be applied to other games. In example, for the cat and dog game (himalayans)- in the past, I would struggle with games where I make inferences to separate my entities based on number of slots. Now, it's like second nature, mainly because of that damn game (which I redid many, many times!). Trust it and go with it. I promise you will reap the rewards!

  • TheQueenTheQueen Member
    87 karma

    Thanks all! And to clarify, you're going through the LGs on the Core Curriculum section of the Problem Sets tab? (PT 1-35)

  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    4312 karma

    Doing the problem sets in the CC and doing any of the games from PT's 1-35 that aren't covered in the CC

  • Granger DangerGranger Danger Alum Member
    717 karma

    I started with foolproofing every game in the Core Curriculum course and it helped so so much. You can also start with every game in PT's 1-35 but honestly, it's tough going if you start there in my opinion. The LG in PT's 1-10 can be brutal. I spent a solid two weeks on the Hannah game PT, haha.

    I started at "Introduction to Logic Games" in the Core Curriculum Course and would not let myself move to the next game until it was all correct and at time or under time. Seeing all of these games slowly really helped when I started to foolproof PT games 1-16. I had seen some before and had some confidence.

    I'm redoing my foolproofing again and I am SO glad I took the time to foolproof the Core Curriculum part of the course. The LSAT never ever came easily to me. I guessed all the time. I went from -13 a few months ago to -2 now. Keep at it! Foolproofing works!

  • j.flynnconnollyj.flynnconnolly Core Member
    56 karma

    I'm having trouble with this too. I finished the core curriculum games and have been spending 2.5 hours a day doing games over and over from PT 1-35 while marking them on a spreadsheet. Often I will perfect a game after many tries only to miserably fail at it 1 week later. Kind of at a loss.

  • LSATulcerLSATulcer Member
    edited October 2020 111 karma

    Don't use the 7sage "curriculum" as your only source of learning (I'm just assuming that's what you're doing). I did the PowerScore program several years back and the 7Sage material/format is very similar (hmmm...) right down to the questions and drills. Having used PowerScore (the class series not PS Bibles), Kaplan, and the Mike Kim materials I've found PowerScore gave the most comprehensive LG training while 7sage helped with supplemental explanations and breakdowns of questions for LG types. My suggestion to you is to go back and relearn how to do the various LG game types and then drill. It also helps to go back and BR. When you find your weak areas then pick and choose what games you want to use the "Fool Proof Method" on. Within the past week I had a 10 point jump (overall 18 pt jump since April) because I went back over my notes and previous materials, targeted LG/LR where I was weakest, and took a week-long break. Sometimes it helps to backtrack and start fresh.

    1. Target your week games/logical reasoning and figure out what kind of mistakes you are making. When you test get your head in battle mode and try to keep those errors/pitfalls in the back of your mind.
    2. Use other materials because if you aren't getting the fundamentals no amount of the FPM will get you where you need to be.
    3. Practice. If you have to do FPM do it like 2-3 times. Maximum 5. More than that is just fucking overkill. I'm sorry but you're going to burn out and waste time when you could be moving on to other areas of weakness and other game scenarios.
  • HLoom1222HLoom1222 Member
    97 karma

    What's perplexing to me about this method is that it implies there is a rough corpus of inferences and methods that tend to carry over from any given game to other games ...but it seems that there is no attempt in the curriculum to really give a rough summary of what a number of those inferences are.

    In the absence of that, maybe it would be helpful for folks who have gone through or are going through the Foolproof process to share what recurring inferences they've spotted and found helpful to deploy, to start to aggregate these in an easy-to-reference - but still fluid - resource.

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