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My Journey (long post)! 156 Post CC-172 Now a 7sage Tutor!

lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
edited September 2020 in General 3190 karma

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge that I am extremely privileged to be able to have parents that supported me and allowed me to study so long. Id say Ive been studying for about 8 months full-time. I didn't take a diagnostic but started at a 156 on the 2007 test Post CC. This was around July 2019. After running my wheels and just taking a ton of PTs I realize I was approaching studying the wrong way. I contacted @"Habeas Porpoise" and I had a pretty good study schedule that I stuck to for a while. Eventually, (for better or worse) i stopped drilling. I literally started doing EVERY practice test starting from PT1. I worked my way up. It was pretty painstaking, but I figured that I couldn't go too wrong if I just started from PT1. I had a lot of time until my test date (which I planned for March back then). For me, this grindy style worked to an extent. After getting from 1-40, I'm positive I had the basics down and was able to consistently be in the mid 160s. Its hard to say because I was doing 2 sections a day and blind reviewing, as opposed to full practice tests. At this point, I was writing explanations account playable style for maybe half the questions in every practice test (they are on the explanation videos) if u ever wanna see. I was doing this ESPECIALLY for RC, because I found that it was my worst section. Now, at this point, I was in the mid 160s, and RC was my worst section. I was going -1 or -2 on games, maybe -4-6 in LR, but like -7 to -8 in RC.

Here, I contacted @"Cant Get Right". He helped me with RC strategies, and surprisingly, we found out that if I read faster and was more rigorous, I would probably score higher. This doesn't work for everyone, but Im guessing my background as a collegiate debater ingrained in me the ability to read faster. At this point, I was determined to get a high score. My goal at this point was still a 168 on test day. So for the next 3 or 4 months until March (it was December at this point) I took 2 sections a day and alternated with full practice tests. It was at this point (i think if you cross reference the times on the explanation videos) that i took RC REALLY SERIOUSLY. After practice test 45, up to like 70, i think i wrote an explanation for EVERY RC question in every test. I would write why the right answer is right, and also why every single other answer choice is wrong. Honestly, its hard to tell if it helped lol. Id like to think so because RC ended up being my best section, starting at -8 to -10, to -0 to -3. On harder sections (like the token section) I scored -2. On candor I scored --4 (whole section).

At this point, I was hitting 169-172 on PTs and was ready for March. The test was cancelled. Idk i was pretty sad because I felt ready and I was quickly running out of PTs. Until they announced the Flex, I just retook old practice tests, because I didnt really want to commit to taking new tests until I knew when the next test was.

They announced the May Flex, and I moved up from the 70s. At this point, my study schedule was pretty intense. Id take a practice test, and write an explanation for EVERY question, including all LR and RC questions, and post on the forums. Id post an explanation PRE knowing the answer, and if I got it wrong, would post an explanation saying why I got what I got wrong and why the right answer is right.

Did this help? I would like to think so. At the 170 level, I dont think its necessary to spend 10 minutes reviewing a one star question in LR. But I like to be better safe than sorry, and reinforce my reasoning even for the easiest questions. i was doing 2 sections of games a day as well. i was also reading the Economist or the Atlantic for an extra 30 minutes - 1 hour everyday.

Then comes the May Flex. I cant say too much about the test, but nerves got me and I choked on LG. 168. Had a ton of time on the last game, misread a rule, and it was over lol. Couldnt think straight, and in 3 minutes, wasnt able to even do one question on the last game. At this point, I wasn't really sure what to do. I was happy and grateful for my score, but I felt I left so much on the table. I felt I worked so hard and I ended up scoring a bit below my average. I was scared to retake, because I didnt think I could work any harder (nor do I think that its smarter to just do more) and I didn't want to be disappointed again.

From May till July, i had about 15 PTs left. I think I did 10 of them. Same thing, posted an explanation for every single question. If you go from the 70s to the 80s youll find my explanations for almost every question. I wanted to make sure I knew the test inside out. At this point, I was consistently scoring around -1 to -3 in RC. -0 or -1 in LG. And LR was the decider. Sometimes -0, sometimes -7 lol. So I worked on LR for 2 months. I peaked with a 177 PT, and was averaging 173-174 ish.

All the time, starting from when I bought 7sage, I made sure to follow J.Y.s advice. Didn't really party or drink, took sleep seriously, and made sure I had a healthy mindset with exercise and diet. I recognize I'm very privileged to be able to do that. I got a full decked out home gym the moment corona hit, and I think that helped. I woulda gone crazy if it wasn't for that, as I've always been big into fitness.

So, coming into July, I was really really confident. From time to time, I had time problems. the 35 minute sections seemed brutal at times. But it would never cause a disaster for me. On PTs id always get at least a 170 at this point. The test was ok. i do think I rolled p unlucky. I know the curve balances out but with LR being my weakest section and rolling what I perceive to be the hardest LR section, it was brutal. Still, got a 172. Not gunna retake because I think 1-2 below PT average is fine. Its not worth it to retake for me. Also, I only have 5 fresh PTs left, and I want to save them for tutoring/teaching purposes.

Throughout this whole time, It really put a smile on my face whenever someone commented my explanations helped them. It was a goal of mine to be an approved sage, and I'm glad it finally happened! For the next year, Ill be taking on students part time while enjoying my life before law school.

If you wanna learn more about me and what I can offer tutoring wise, visit this page, im at the very bottom.

If you can learn anything from me, its that I literally brute forced my way to a 172 lol. If anyone wants any specific tips or more details on my journey feel free to PM me!


  • chisal17chisal17 Alum Member
    289 karma

    To anyone reading this post who is wondering if they should try @lexxx745 's tutoring services: I'm here to say DO IT!! Don't waste anymore time. Don't be like me. I work full time and it has been challenging to get past my peak. I study on and off and really struggle to figure out what I'm doing wrong to move forward. I'm not a novice at studying or at the LSAT, but I definitely got to the point where I didn't know what I didn't know -- the perspective of someone who got to where you want to be is a good way to learn more about what you're doing right or wrong and where you should improve. I originally thought I lacked consistency and commitment because of my schedule, but then COVID gave me some downtime to get some studying done and I still couldn't break my score plateau. One two hour session with @lexxx745 and my score for reading comprehension has already improved.

    I myself have tutored before in a variety of different subjects and I've been a Teaching Assistant and taught a section of ~6 college level courses and I have to say that he puts in more time and effort than I ever have into making sure you succeed. He analyzes your score history, preps for your sessions, diagnoses your problems/challenges/where to improve/etc. then goes over it with you asking you what you were thinking and how you did something and fact checks his suspicions as to why he thinks you got it wrong. After that he begins to teach you how to improve.

    He doesn't approach tutoring with a "one size fits all" approach, rather he hones in on the details of your strengths and weaknesses and pushes you forward from there. I'm honestly surprised at the rate he charges given the amount of time he invests into the sessions. I went from having a consultation with him, to trying out a 2 hour tutoring session to see how that would go before committing, to booking him for about 10 hours a week. The results I'm seeing are worth it and save me plenty of time and money in the long run.

    Disclaimer: I am VERY PICKY and usually have high standards for who I let teach me anything, but I do have to give credit where credit is due, and @lexxx745 takes the cake.

  • edited August 2020 8 karma

    I was in a study group with @lexxx745, and they always made thoughtful contributions. I greatly benefitted from studying with them. Thankfully, I was able to get their help for free, but I'd have gladly paid for it! If you are considering hiring a tutor, do not hesitate to hire lexxx!!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @daddy_descartes said:
    I was in a study group with @lexxx745, and they always made thoughtful contributions. I greatly benefitted from studying with them. Thankfully, I was able to get their help for free, but I'd have gladly paid for it! If you are considering hiring a tutor, do not hesitate to hire lexxx!!

    Thanks! :)

  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Congratulations!! Thanks so much for sharing your story- its super helpful! In terms of scoring more consistently with LR, did you find that writing out explanations and doing LR questions from PTs 1-40 really helped with improving in LR for the later PTs? Did you feel there was any variation in LR question difficulty in the later PTs or were they fairly similar in your opinion? Thank you again!

  • ProfileNameProfileName Core Member
    155 karma

    The thing is, as you scroll down the commenting areas below each question, there must be some sager's comments you would be expected and heavily depended upon, @lexxx745 is one of the names I would be looking for. From him, I learned that LSAT is hard but learnable, and it only reward those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory. I highly recommend everyone who's looking for a change in prep to have a talk with him, it would be one of the most well spent time during the journey in LSAT.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @Hopeful9812 said:
    Congratulations!! Thanks so much for sharing your story- its super helpful! In terms of scoring more consistently with LR, did you find that writing out explanations and doing LR questions from PTs 1-40 really helped with improving in LR for the later PTs? Did you feel there was any variation in LR question difficulty in the later PTs or were they fairly similar in your opinion? Thank you again!

    Yes. They all test the same core logic, its just the way the questions are worded is a little different. The biggest difference I noticed is that the later PTs were less rigorous and used less formal logic, for better or for worse.

    That would sometimes play out to my advantage, as it let me anticipate the right answer choice more easily. Like in PT 86, I think I missed -3 LR total. And like 75% of the questions I knew the answer choices coming in.

    Sometimes, it would play out to my disadvantage. With less formal logic, I felt like some of the ACs were just bad. When I first encountered this in 89, I think I got -7 in one of the sections. It took some time to get used to.

    Formal logic is "easier" to brute force id say. Might take more time tho

  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Thank you!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    edited August 2020 3190 karma

    Just finished! still trying to work out the kinks. PM me for the password

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @ProfileName said:
    The thing is, as you scroll down the commenting areas below each question, there must be some sager's comments you would be expected and heavily depended upon, @lexxx745 is one of the names I would be looking for. From him, I learned that LSAT is hard but learnable, and it only reward those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory. I highly recommend everyone who's looking for a change in prep to have a talk with him, it would be one of the most well spent time during the journey in LSAT.

    Amazing comment! :) i just try to help those, both in learning the LSAT and with life coaching haha

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @clg13999 said:
    I found lexxx745 on reddit and made an account here just to vouch for his teaching skills. I was having some issues moving forward with my LSAT score. My usual study strategies haven'y been working out for me, but I just couldn't figure out what exactly the problem was. lexx745 helped me with skipping strategies, time management, and better board set up in logic games. Doing more practice tests with those tips helped me see the LSAT in a whole different light! I highly highly recommend lexxx745! Lucky for me, I didn't have to pay anything for his help but would have gladly for his time and effort.

    An aside - he is SO motivational! For me at least, conquering the LSAT is so much of a mental feat. I was feeling pretty down and frustrated with my inability to move forward. In addition to giving me tips, he also motivated me to study harder and smarter. He's basically a LSAT tutor and life coach all in one!

    Glad I could help! :)

  • dazedandconfused-1dazedandconfused-1 Member
    258 karma

    I just had a session with @lexxx745 and he definitely whipped me into shape. Similar to him, I've been studying for the LSAT full-time for about 4.5 months now, and I was at a point where I feel like I know all the curriculum material and the different strategies and whatnot... I was hoping for a miracle to happen and constantly waiting for Godot.

    But in reality, I really wasn't putting much effort into my studies - I would tell myself that I've been diligently studying, whereas the truth was that I was hoping for all my timed run answers to be right and using BR as a way to validate myself. @lexxx745 saw right through my bs and I had to really think about how rigorous I have been with my logical reasoning.

    I'm at a mid-160s right now for my LSAT range, so there really isn't much "content" things I can learn from getting tutored. What I did need, was an outsider's perspective. You can't really objectively evaluate yourself when you are both the subject and the object. I did a timed session of LR with @lexxx745 watching me and I found myself not being able to really answer any of the answers I picked other than just saying "it felt right." The session with him really was a good reminder that I need to tighten up and REALLY understand why I'm choosing the answers I'm choosing.

    Plus, he's a chill dude, really personable, and genuinely cares about getting his clients to a place where they want. I would really recommend him to anyone who is in need of extra LSAT help!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @"dazedandconfused-1" said:
    I just had a session with @lexxx745 and he definitely whipped me into shape. Similar to him, I've been studying for the LSAT full-time for about 4.5 months now, and I was at a point where I feel like I know all the curriculum material and the different strategies and whatnot... I was hoping for a miracle to happen and constantly waiting for Godot.

    But in reality, I really wasn't putting much effort into my studies - I would tell myself that I've been diligently studying, whereas the truth was that I was hoping for all my timed run answers to be right and using BR as a way to validate myself. @lexxx745 saw right through my bs and I had to really think about how rigorous I have been with my logical reasoning.

    I'm at a mid-160s right now for my LSAT range, so there really isn't much "content" things I can learn from getting tutored. What I did need, was an outsider's perspective. You can't really objectively evaluate yourself when you are both the subject and the object. I did a timed session of LR with @lexxx745 watching me and I found myself not being able to really answer any of the answers I picked other than just saying "it felt right." The session with him really was a good reminder that I need to tighten up and REALLY understand why I'm choosing the answers I'm choosing.

    Plus, he's a chill dude, really personable, and genuinely cares about getting his clients to a place where they want. I would really recommend him to anyone who is in need of extra LSAT help!

    Of course I care! Good luck man

  • morning_forestmorning_forest Alum Member
    68 karma

    I talked to @lexxx745 last week and quickly decided that he is the tutor I was longing for. I am not a native speaker and I know RC is not easy to improve. So far I had two sessions with him, and every time he would push me out of my comfort zone, figured out where my problems are, and meticulously analyzed them. It is not easy for me, but it helps most when it pains.

    @lexxx745 is very passionate and he really cares about my improvement. He is a go-getter, and a nice and funny person. Thank you @lexxx745 for your help and I really look forward to getting my goal realized with you! Good luck on your application!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @morning_forest said:
    I talked to @lexxx745 last week and quickly decided that he is the tutor I was longing for. I am not a native speaker and I know RC is not easy to improve. So far I had two sessions with him, and every time he would push me out of my comfort zone, figured out where my problems are, and meticulously analyzed them. It is not easy for me, but it helps most when it pains.

    @lexxx745 is very passionate and he really cares about my improvement. He is a go-getter, and a nice and funny person. Thank you @lexxx745 for your help and I really look forward to getting my goal realized with you! Good luck on your application!

    Glad I can help you! :)

  • icekarjamicekarjam Core Member
    43 karma

    @lexxx745 Hi! Congrats on your score! Thats so dope you made progress. I started a couple months ago. I was wondering if you had tips for improving at LR. It's for sure my struggle section. Thanks!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @kgreaney said:
    @lexxx745 Hi! Congrats on your score! Thats so dope you made progress. I started a couple months ago. I was wondering if you had tips for improving at LR. It's for sure my struggle section. Thanks!

    PM me for specific questions. I can sure answer them!

  • alecroyealecroye Member
    17 karma

    @lexxx745 is a game changer for reading comp. I reached out to him desperate for help in RC, with it being my worst section. I still have a long way to go but he's teaching me to read the passages in a way I never thought of. He has identified my problems and is pushing me to think about RC passages at a level I didn't think was possible. And lastly, you can tell how much he cares. He's truly on your team and wants you to succeed. I can see that because he was in my shoes for RC when he was struggling with RC back when he was studying. He can relate to my struggles, and is doing a great job at helping me overcome them.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @alecroye said:
    @lexxx745 is a game changer for reading comp. I reached out to him desperate for help in RC, with it being my worst section. I still have a long way to go but he's teaching me to read the passages in a way I never thought of. He has identified my problems and is pushing me to think about RC passages at a level I didn't think was possible. And lastly, you can tell how much he cares. He's truly on your team and wants you to succeed. I can see that because he was in my shoes for RC when he was struggling with RC back when he was studying. He can relate to my struggles, and is doing a great job at helping me overcome them.

    Thanks! Gunna try my best to help you get the score you want! :)

  • brie.confusedbrie.confused Member
    65 karma

    If you are thinking about working with @lexxx745, you really should do it! He has been a big help with getting ready for the LSAT whether it be in LR or RC. When we first met, I was PTing in low 160s and now I've been scoring around the low 170s.

    While a lot of this was due to the work that I put in outside of the sessions, Albert really works on critiquing your thinking process and how you approach certain question types in order to see why you are missing certain questions. Additionally, through our sessions I noticed that easier questions that I miss are due to overconfidence in answer choices. Something may seem right, but I wasn't able to always adequately articulate why its correct and the others were wrong. I really needed this call out as it has made me realize that I need to be much more rigorous with myself overall, but especially in BR, if I want to be a top scorer.

    Overall, I think that if you are in the low 150's and need help with the fundamentals to get you to the 160s, he can help you get there. If you are in the 160s and trying to make the last push to the 170s, he can help hone in on what you are doing wrong and get you there. You have to put in the hours outside of tutoring, but if you do, you will definitely see the results.

  • PFT CommenterPFT Commenter Core Member
    edited September 2020 249 karma

    I was having some trouble with not only the content of the LSAT, but also what the best plan would look like moving forward upon completion of the CC in order to best prepare for test day. I figured finding a tutor would give me the best chance of finding success. I looked on the approved 7Sage tutor list, and @lexxx745 was the one name I instantly knew (I had seen his explanations on many LR and RC questions). I sent him a message and within a week we met to discuss my issues, goals, etc. I cannot recommend Albert enough. He was EXTREMELY patient during the entire process. After our consultation, I knew Albert was the tutor that I wanted to work with. He is kind, considerate, accommodating, and knows his stuff. He provided me with honest evaluation of where I was in comparison to where I want to be come test day. He does not bullshit, he tells you what you need to hear. We devised and tailored a study schedule that I know will result in success . He was prompt with replies, both over email and 7Sage PM.

    I cannot thank Albert enough for his help. I feel so much better knowing that I worked with a knowledgable tutor that actually cares about his clients, and is not just in it for a pay check. Thanks again, Albert!

    A tutor cannot write this test for you, but they can put you in the best possible position for success. With hard work and determination, I know I can succeed. If anyone is looking for a tutor, I recommend @lexxx745 without hesitation!

  • Aristotle JonesAristotle Jones Alum Member
    166 karma

    I currently have @lexxx745 as my tutor, and I can tell, from his own “brute forced” journey, he actually wants me to succeed, too. He pushes me to think, he’s honesty, but he also knows the LSAT is a process. With his help and with my outside work, I know everything will work out!

  • LogicbaeeeLogicbaeee Member
    92 karma

    I have only worked with Albert once and my RC score improved. I was going -9/-8 before talking to him. During our session he gave me some insights into what allowed him to thrive in RC. We went over strategies together and after implementing them on a couple of RC full passages, I've been consistently going -4/-3 and even -1 on (tear of joy). I recommend him to anyone that is looking to improve. It's always great to have someone else to speak through your logic and reasoning with so they can give constructive feedback. This is exactly what my experience was with Albert. I look forward to working with him again as I prepare for my upcoming LSAT.

  • curmudgeoncurmudgeon Alum Member
    44 karma

    Albert is a great tutor: he not only explains why the answer is correct in an understandable way but also shows you how to get there so that you'll be prepared for future similar questions. He teaches you the tips, tricks, and methods to approach basic and tough questions on LR and RC. He can empathize with your average LSAT student's struggles because he was once there. Albert will push you and help you to succeed. I'm glad to have found him and I recommend anyone who has recently plateaued to talk with him. Thanks, @lexxx745!

  • espa0535espa0535 Member
    19 karma

    Working full time, I was so glad to have found Albert through 7Sage. @lexxx745 is the tutor you need if you lack the discipline to self study the proper way (which was me!). He really drills and questions you word for word until you literally understand everything completely. Thank you so much, I'm truly grateful for your help as this test literally makes me want to die. Haha

  • manusandizagamanusandizaga Core Member
    4 karma

    When I was struggling with the LSAT, luckily my friend recommended @lexxx745. I have been doing tutoring sessions weekly, and he has helped me come up with a great study schedule and helped with my motivation a lot. @lexxx745 really cares about his students, and that really makes all the difference. It is super nice having someone teaching you that wants you to succeed and does everything possible to help you. Even though I am not at my goal yet, I have improved a lot and I know I will be in a great position for the November exam thanks to Alberts help. Thank you so much for everything @lexxx745, would recommend to anyone!!

  • sakethsaran1998-1sakethsaran1998-1 Alum Member
    246 karma

    I was having a bad run of scores on RC right before test day and luckily a friend recommended Albert. He could relate to all my problems and knew what exactly I had to change. He showed me how he approaches passages which made me realize the errors I have be making. His strategies for RC questions are extremely efficient and easy to comprehend. I would highly recommend Albert to anyone looking for a tutor.

  • rose_180rose_180 Alum Member
    52 karma

    @lexxx745 is a wonderful tutor! He has helped me with RC so much and provided the confidence I need. I have improved so much as he really breaks things down and questions you. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for RC help!

  • jcarraherjcarraher Member
    4 karma

    I highly recommend @lexxx745 's tutoring services! I had been doing ok self studying, improving little by little over months. Then I got in a rut, I was stuck at a score that I couldn't seem to break past. I reached out to @lexxx745 about tutoring and in a little over a month my LSAT score went up 8 points!! He was very attentive to the specific things I was struggling with and gave me very personalized tutoring sessions. I had a specific timeline I was working with and @lexxx745 made sure my study schedule was realistic within my timeline which was a huge help in making it achievable. He also is so helpful with building confidence and a sense of comfort with the test. Overall I feel confident in saying I owe @lexxx745 so much credit for an amazing LSAT score that I am very happy with!!

  • trent203trent203 Member
    12 karma

    Honestly, @lexxx745 saved my LSAT experience. I started studying for the LSAT in March with the Princeton Review. After an August-flex score in the upper 150's, I signed up for 7Sage and began PT'ing tests 60 and up and doing the Blind Review method, but things just weren't clicking. That's when I contacted Albert and he gave me a free 30-minute consultation. We clicked right away. He's super approachable and breaks down the LSAT like only someone that's devoted an incredible amount of time to this test can do. It was remarkable how much clearer this test became. I met with Albert 6 times and it completely changed the way I approached the test. I am someone that definitely struggles with test anxiety, and working one on one with Albert helped my overcome those feelings of anxiousness when answering questions. Albert makes you articulate why you chose the answer choice you did, and why you crossed out the other choices. I just finished the November-flex test and the experience was immensely better than my August exam. I had developed the skills needed to attack the questions in a clear-headed and decisive manner thanks to those meetings with Albert articulating each time I crossed out or chose an answer. Best of luck to anyone reading this, no matter what this test is learnable and if you put the time in you can achieve the score you want! Thank you again, @lexxx745!!

  • meghanstarrmeghanstarr Alum Member
    3 karma

    I worked with Albert for about 10 sessions and it was very helpful! We started by making a study schedule that balanced studying as well as my work and school. Albert was great at breaking down each question I didn't understand, using different methods until I got it. He also knew the key areas I should work on in order to improve. Albert allowed me to realize the mistakes I was making, and I saw a noticeable difference in my performance.

    I highly recommend Albert for anyone looking for a tutor!

  • MissLSATMissLSAT Alum Member
    219 karma

    I worked with Albert for 6 sessions as well and am SO happy I found him!!! Although I've been studying for this test for far too long, when I started working with Albert I hadn't yet taken a post-CC PT and was questioning whether I would be able to take the November LSAT to apply this application cycle. Albert helped me craft a study schedule to ensure that I could at least give myself the opportunity to take November and apply this cycle. Thanks to Albert's encouragement and sessions together, I was able to get from a 139 diagnostic to a PT average of 168 with a few rare breakthroughs in the 170s. I took the November test this weekend and felt confident coming out which I wouldn't have expected just two months ago. Literally wouldn't have taken the test or have felt as confident as I did without Albert :smile:

    The most helpful thing that Albert and I worked on together was RC - I think most people understand the struggle with RC, and based on a lot of anecdotal stories I kept my expectations low about improving in RC. After just a two sessions or so with Albert my RC score started to improve and it ended up being a strength. I went from probably a -7 on my first post-CC PT to a -0 in my last PT with about a -3 consistently. When you work on RC and LR with Albert you will work on a passage and the questions together, and in a way that feels collaborative and approachable. Although this sounds super basic, approaching the test in a way that isn't so intimidating makes the biggest difference. For me I felt like I was able to get over a mental hurdle in thinking that I somehow couldn't understand the passages, and it directly translated into feeling more confident about my abilities when taking my PTs. Working with Albert allowed me to listen more to my intuition, which allowed me to move quicker and more confidently in PTs.

    Although I'm hoping I won't need to retake in January, I'll be looking forward to working with Albert again if I do!! Thank you @lexxx745 :smile:

  • I just finished the November exam and whatever the result is, I have to talk about Albert. I was struggling with LR and I was honestly lost. Then I found my man Albert! The dude knows the test period! He opened my eyes and really helped me understand arguments. He is super approachable and figures out your weak spots. I had maybe 6-7 sessions or more and I gotta tell you folks I IMPROVED A LOT. I work better with 1v1 instructions and Albert is the ideal guy for this. He really cares about his students and I highly recommend him.

  • dcal1127dcal1127 Alum Member
    48 karma

    I've been working with Albert for quite some time and honestly, I couldn't be happier with my progress. Albert gets to the point, he doesn't waste time on unnecessary things. When I first started sessions with him, I didn't realize that I was missing fundamental concepts and technique when it came to attacking LR and specifically RC questions. His critique made me understand my mistakes and pushed me further to ensure that I wasn't going to make the same mistakes along the way. He has a certain way of breaking down the passage and it was simple; which is exactly what's needed so that when headed into the questions, you're not lost and able to promptly find the correct answer. For LR, he provided me with simple strategies and tips that helped me approach questions in a different manner. He creates a clear image of the stimulus in simple terms, which then makes every wrong answer visible. He truly cares for his students. I'm very grateful to have had the ability to work with Albert. I would definitely recommend him as an LSAT Tutor! :)

  • justnappingjustnapping Member
    13 karma

    I'm also here to recommend Albert as a tutor! We've had around 5-7 sessions together and he really helped me realize what I was doing wrong, especially in RC. With his advice and tips, I am now way more confident in RC than I was before. He also helped me a lot by giving good tips for LR and keeping me in check with my practices. I've actually taken a prep course before I had sessions with him but felt that he helped me out way more and way better. I think I really wouldn't be as confident in my test taking as I am now if it wasn't for him. Wished I met him earlier!

  • Yan WangYan Wang Member
    285 karma

    Albert is a great tutor. I would recommend him to anyone have issues with the RC section. I've been working with him for a while, as reading is my worst section. He helped me identified my problems effectively and with great patience and tackled them one by one. For someone who wants to break the curve and get a dream score in this test, I need an instructor like Albert to honestly tell you where you did wrong and how you can improve. I appreciate that very much.

  • Skylar.MSkylar.M Member
    5 karma

    I was really struggle in Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension, and felt like I plateaued where I was at, and I knew I need help. My friend was recommended @lexxx745 as a tutor and signed up. I really liked how Albert really spent the time to explain each and every question we went through, and wanted to make sure I understood the reasoning for each answer. I enjoyed our tutoring sessions because it felt like a very good, focused session of studying. I felt very productive in our study sessions, because I was truly focused and Albert made sure I understood everything.

  • Fourty9ersFourty9ers Yearly Member
    27 karma

    Albert is absolutely the best person and an even better tutor. I came to him after a very upsetting August score. I had seen his name under literally every video and thought that he probably knew his stuff (spoiler: he did). What I didn't realize, was that I was not only getting a tutor but also a motivator. Albert helped me in my RC and LR and especially LG. RC was the best as he helped me see WHERE I was going wrong. He would explain and reexplain and re re explain if needed. His LG was good as well as a guy who REGULARLY bombed LG. He was meticulous in teaching me concepts that I needed. The best part though was that he would be totally honest with me about everything even if I needed tough love. He kept me focused and help me pull through this very arduous and crazy experience. He's a very patient, kind , and tenacious person. I have no doubts that if you want a high score Albert will believe not only that you can get there but will help you as well. I highly recommend Albert to be your tutor.

    From the bottom of my heart thank you Albert.

  • rahazolfaghari8rahazolfaghari8 Core Member
    57 karma

    I started tutoring with Albert around 4 months ago, and there are no words to describe how much he has helped me. Especially as someone who was skeptical to get a tutor, I was scoring around 153-154 consistently for around 3 months before I reached out to him. Having been 3 months into my study plan, I was pretty familiar with the CC but my score just would not go up. Albert helped my score increase in all sections, especially reading comp. Right before the January Lsat I was scoring around 162-163. I highly recommend Albert to anyone who's struggling, do yourself a favour and make the investment!

  • hey judeshey judes Member
    14 karma

    My only regret is not having met Albert earlier in my LSAT studying career! I had two LSAT tutors previously who charged $125+/Hr and I can confidently say I enjoyed Albert's style much more than the others. He really cares that you learn the material and that you have the right concepts down. He also makes sure you're consistent with games which is CRUCIAL if you're trying to fall back on this with test day nerves. After taking the LSAT multiple times, I was really burnt out, but somehow he was able to help me get over LSAT fear and push through one more time. To anyone on this LSAT journey, stay consistent, stay confident and keep pushing through!! Believe in the work you put in!!

  • vesp1994vesp1994 Member
    12 karma

    This is long overdue but I tutored with Albert back in October 2020. I had scored a 156 on the August LSAT Flex and really needed some help with my RC. We went over passages and he gave me really good tips on how to read the passage, what to look out for, what to note as I’m reading and when going through the questions he didn’t lead me to the right answer but had me really critically asses why I thought an answer was correct/why the 4 wrong answers were wrong. Literally he would wait for me to give him an explanation. The silence was deafening but that's where I learned the most. He also gave me great tips for LR and LG. He listened to my life situation at the time and gave me tips on exactly what to practice in the allotted time I had. Very straight to the point tutor. Also communicated well regarding scheduling appointments. In less than a month, I got bumped up to a 160 and have now been admitted to a couple schools. While very consistent, hard work was part of my journey, I have to attribute some of that success to Albert. Thanks again! Hopefully he can do the same for you!

  • davin0halligann2davin0halligann2 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    @vesp1994 said:
    This is long overdue but I tutored with Albert back in October 2020. I had scored a 156 on the August LSAT Flex and really needed some help with my RC. We went over passages and he gave me really good tips on how to read the passage, what to look out for, what to note as I’m reading and when going through the questions he didn’t lead me to the right answer but had me really critically asses why I thought an answer was correct/why the 4 wrong answers were wrong. Discover full information about VPN at Gain the know-how for safe digital navigation. Literally he would wait for me to give him an explanation. The silence was deafening but that's where I learned the most. He also gave me great tips for LR and LG. He listened to my life situation at the time and gave me tips on exactly what to practice in the allotted time I had. Very straight to the point tutor. Also communicated well regarding scheduling appointments. In less than a month, I got bumped up to a 160 and have now been admitted to a couple schools. While very consistent, hard work was part of my journey, I have to attribute some of that success to Albert. Thanks again! Hopefully he can do the same for you!

    Congratulations on your improvement! Albert sounds like an amazing tutor, and your hard work definitely paid off. Best of luck with your future studies!

  • quinnch1quinnch1 Core Member
    10 karma

    I would be lucky to score 157 at this rate. I have 3 months before the febuary lsat and I cannot seem to break the mid 140s. Ive gone through the LSAT TRAINER and half of the LR course and LG course here but still feel terrible. All I have been doing lately us trying to drill and then just review how I got something wrong. I can't afford 200/hr tutoring here and it's just a shitty place to be in. Any advice is appreciated greatly. :(

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