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Anyone else find pt 79 harder than usual?

masimasi Alum Member
in General 170 karma

Hey Guys!!

I've been studying for the past 9 months. And have consistently scored mid 160's in the past two months while PTing. For some reason Pt 79 my score dropped. Drastically!! I am talking high 140's :(

Anybody else have significant drip with PT 79. Or just have a huge drop in general. Is this common? Should I try not worry about it too much.


  • lilpinglinglilpingling Member
    638 karma

    Ugh. I did... until I got into the 80s. I think 79 seems especially difficult because it's the point where the tests make a fairly dramatic shift toward their current state. Unfortunately, they get worse. I'm not crazy, btw. There are many articles and posts about the test shifts in recent years. I really, really wish I had known about it ahead of time. Otherwise I wouldn't have "saved" all of the 80s for the last few weeks before the real test. They're particularly challenging and the questions are exceptionally wordy and long. Clearly, as you can tell, I'm experiencing some major frustration at the moment. My test is in ONE WEEK and I feel like I'm starting the LSAT from scratch. I honestly can't believe I haven't seen more posts about the difficultly in the tests from 79 and on. It's like the LSAC thought people were getting too good and started increasing the difficulty exponentially. I can't see how any reasonable human can even read the sections in the time given.

    Sorry, I kind of hijacked your post. All this to say, yes. I felt PT 79 was difficult. But PT for me PT 88 was the worst I've ever seen- by FAR.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited November 2020 8491 karma

    N=1 I scored lower than average on 79, 78, and 76. 77 gave me a drop from my last high, but not below average. I took a -6 on 76.4 (LR) after averaging -1 for a while.

    I worked up from PT 36-40 then skipped to the 80s and worked down, so I kind of feel like I might have missed a transition in test writer focus somewhere in like the 60s-70s. I definitely noticed NA/SA questions seem to blend together a bit more, with many NAs also being SAs... more emphasis on bridging or "why conclusion?", and not just some simple background condition.

  • lizzogonzolizzogonzo Member
    628 karma

    Yes I remember my confidence also dropping when I took 79. I dropped 4 points from where I'm usually scoring. The RC for that was just ridiculous lol. Honestly though I'm not gonna think too hard about how I do on each PT because it all depends on what kind of questions they ask too. If an LR section has a lot of types of questions that you're weak at then chances are you'll score lower. It just shows you what you need to work on!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @lilpingling said:
    Clearly, as you can tell, I'm experiencing some major frustration at the moment. My test is in ONE WEEK and I feel like I'm starting the LSAT from scratch. I honestly can't believe I haven't seen more posts about the difficultly in the tests from 79 and on. It's like the LSAC thought people were getting too good and started increasing the difficulty exponentially. I can't see how any reasonable human can even read the sections in the time given.

    Just want suggest you consider a slightly different approach. We know flex tests can draw from anywhere... so I think encountering difficulties with shifts in content presentation (as we also know it is still the same concepts being tested) is a good thing to experience prior to the test. Definitely better than being blindsided on test day. I've been frustrated with inconsistency as well, but I also view wrong answers as good things... gifts almost, that give you a chance to correct weaknesses before it matters. I did pretty well on 88, but after taking that PT, I was absolutely horrified that I hadn't done so before any of my previous attempts at the actual test... it definitely would have helped.

    As an aside, while I wouldn't go so far as to completely rule out an intentional increase in difficulty, the evolution of content has to be driven my many factors, not the least of which is turnover of people who compose the content of the test and the individual question writers. If anyone's interested in a peek into question writer's perspectives, Steve Schwartz has a great series of interviews with a LSAT question writer that he made into a free book.

  • lilpinglinglilpingling Member
    638 karma

    @canihazJD I would agree to an extent that the tests aren't especially more difficult in the sense that my scores haven't really changed much, they've actually gone up. So clearly, I'm learning or something is "clicking," I just feel incredibly blindsided when the same test contains two unfamiliar games and a brutally difficult RC section. I've tried to keep a positive attitude but sometimes this process is maddening. I will be 42 years old the week I receive my score and I swear, I still have not quite grasped the concept of not taking things personally.

    I did feel somewhat validated by this article though. Because they acknowledged my feelings on PT 88, calling it the "toughest game on the toughest section I've ever seen." :) I'll take it. I do think we all have strengths and weaknesses. I've done really well on tests I was told were awful and really poorly on "easy" tests. The bottom line is, it just has a lot to do with whether or not the test you get plays to your strengths. Fortunately, it can be taken again. (I'm repeating over and over, "I can take it in January" these days). All this to say, I definitely recommend skipping around with tests so you don't get too cozy in any one area.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Eileen Gray is my enemy :)

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @lilpingling. I agree about 88. I thought it was a great PT, but I would have lost my shit if I got that as my actual test. If you have the slightest inclination to freak out on LG, that test punished you for it. Also hello fellow non-trad. I'm just a year behind you!

  • Kimble.briceKimble.brice Member
    5 karma

    Just took it myself... 10 points lower than my norm (yikes). Test in 8 days and now I'm worried

  • masimasi Alum Member
    170 karma

    @ lilpingling

    Thanks for your comment. Helped me a lot. I had saved pt 60's and 80's. I am taking the test in January and I think the best thing to do is PT the 80's.

    I also feel like some test are easier than others. I am not sure if you feel like this. For example, in the early Pt 70's I was getting high 160's and even broke the 170 ceiling. When I passed pt 76 I noticed I wasn't able to predict the answer choices very well in LR, RC was getting harder and they would throw in a weird game in LG. TBH, I believe LUCK plays in an important role on test day. RC vary's soo much from PT to PT that some of them are extremely easy for me and on occasion I would struggle on others.

    Well sorry for going on and on.

    I hope you get the mark that you want. And I wish you best of luck..

  • masimasi Alum Member
    170 karma


    I understand your frustration. I had originally planned to take the Nov test. After taking 79 I freaked out and delayed it to Jan. Even though I was scoring in the mid 160's I got a 148 on 79. I am not sure what it was. Maybe it was the advil I took for the headache I had. Regardless, I've been reading that the test get harder after pt 79. I hope I made the right decision for delaying. I had not pt'd any of the 80's. Thought the 70's would be good enough.

    But good luck on your test kimble, don't let it freak you out like it made me trip:(. The RC in 79 was brutal. And I've also noticed the LR was harder than usual.

    Maybe I should've taken the Nov exam, now I have to spend another two months in my room locked up.

  • nanabillannanabillan Member
    347 karma






    (In case you are tempted.....)


    Okay...sorry about that, just didn't want to ruin the PT for anyone.

    I did PT 79 over the summer when I was still scoring lower than I am now.

    I took PT 88 2 days ago and scored the highest I ever have since I started studying! I did not even realize I got the notorious 'Flower Game' until I was researching the difficulty level of PT88. I thought it was an 'easier' PT but seems to be one of the more challenging ones.

    When I did start PTing in the 70s, it definitely was a shocker because I do think there is a nuanced variation in LR especially compared to the older PTs.

    It took me a few weeks to transition but either I have improved or LR in the 70s and 80s is more comprehensive for me. Maybe it is a mix of both? Who knows.

    Best of luck to all of us taking the flex this weekend or next week!

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