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Who to use for verifiers???

cpeaks13cpeaks13 Core Member

I am applying to a Canadian school (not sure if its the same in the states) and you need to submit 2 verifiers of your PS along with the 2 references. I was just wondering who would be the best people to use? Can it just be friends who have known you for a long time?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Sorry, no help with your question but can you explain "verifiers"? We don't have anything like this that I'm aware of in the US. Like they want to check that whatever you used for your PS is factually accurate? What if it's not event based?

  • cpeaks13cpeaks13 Core Member
    496 karma

    Its to back up your story and everything you say about yourself but separate from references. (I know right ?)
    This is from the FAQ admissions page from my university.
    Who should I put as verifers?
    Verifiers are people who could verify the information you have provided in your application/personal statement (with regard to things such as work experience, community involvement, life experience, extra-curricular activities, etc.) They should be people who know you well. This is not meant to be an academic reference.
    Verifiers could be employers, a family friend, coach, mentor, someone you volunteered with/or volunteered for. It should be someone who knows you well. We understand one person might not be able to verify everything, which is why we ask for two.
    Generally, it is best to choose people other than family members as your verifiers.
    The Admissions Committee may or may not choose to contact your verifiers at their discretion.

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