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Original answers not showing up when I do blind review

ERain123ERain123 Core Member
edited November 2020 in Technical Problems 7 karma

They used to until the last couple of tests I took. Particularly "weaken questions problem sets" 8 and 9 so far.


  • Theo - Student ServiceTheo - Student Service Member Moderator Student Services
    867 karma

    Hi there,

    Sorry about that.

    I tried to reproduce your issue by taking the Weaken Questions Problem Set 8 and 9. Unfortunately, I was not able to. My original answers were showing up during the blind review.

    I want to get to the bottom of this and figure it out, so that it's working on your side too! Could you please let me know if your original answers show up in the results after you've completed the blind review?

    In the meantime, you can try using a different web browser, or device.

    Please let us know how it goes, you can also send us an email at

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