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PT 80 omg

bellamaxbellamax Member
in General 68 karma

Anyone else find PT 80 difficult? I know it probably has to do with my test conditions when I took it but oh boy I was averaging 169 these past few tests and dropped to 160 on PT 80 oh or words of encouragement?


  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    2249 karma

    Idk...I feel that all of them are hard. If you want a challenging RC section, take a look at PT 59. Ew.

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited December 2020 1866 karma

    Definitely don't let it get to you! One-off score drops are pretty normal.
    For now I recommend just reviewing effectively to figure out what went wrong (hopefully your BR score didn't change much from your average BR?), drilling, and taking your next test when you've ironed out any issues.
    If you continue to see drops in your score, definitely reassess. You might just need a short break from the that point.
    But for now I definitely wouldn't worry about a single data point!

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    Don't let it get to you! Everyone has those days, count it as a once off and review it thoroughly. You want to be making mistakes before test day, that's how you learn and can be best prepared for the exam, more mistakes = more opportunities to learn. :blush:

  • edsaintsedsaints Member
    14 karma

    Yeah I also dropped significantly on this one, but with BR it brought it back up to around where I was averaging. I'm not sure what it was about this test, I just hope the January LSAT doesn't go that way

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    Agree! I recall PT 80 being preeeetttty bad. Esp RC but that might be just me.

  • BenjaminSakaBenjaminSaka Member
    edited December 2020 214 karma

    I took it with 1 hour limits and just went over the test. Still only scored a 164 (-19) with unlimited time. It was really great because the answers which I got wrong revealed holes in my knowledge, since time wasn't a big factor. Convincing yourself that getting answers wrong is just an opportunity to learn what you don't know and fix that is helpful!

    My biggest issue is getting over my natural impulse to label certain arguments as bad and instead remain objective. Doing so probably cost me around -6 in the LR sections.

    The harder the test, the better the learning opportunity!

  • HopefullyHLSHopefullyHLS Member
    445 karma

    I also experienced a score drop on PT 80 today.

    RC didn‘t feel particularly hard, though it‘s still my weakest section. What pulled my score even more down was the 2nd LR section, although I was feeling quite confident during and after the section.

    Anyways, a good opportunity to review thoroughly and identify learning points.

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