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Letter of Rec./General application Questions

harrison.krupnickharrison.krupnick Alum Member
in General 25 karma
I graduated college in 2014 but I've owned my business since 2012 and have various business partners, consultants, and attorneys who I work very closely with. I was planning on asking them to write letters of recommendation for me but I recently found out the law schools want letters from college professors. My letters of recommendation from my business associates will be a lot stronger because they know me better than many of my college professors knew me. These people are highly successful professionals (CEOs, Lawyers, University President's etc.) whose opinion I think would hold just as much, if not more, weight than college professors who don't have as great of a relationship with me. Do you all think that having these people write my recommendations instead of reaching out to old professors will significantly hurt my application? Should I attach an addendum to the application explaining why I chose business professionals instead of old professors to write my letters? I will likely also be attaching a GPA addendum to my application as well.


  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Probably won't matter all that much unless you are applying to super top schools.

    What's more important is your GPA and LSAT.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Also, if you know where you are applying go ahead and check their exact LOR requirements. If there's a mandatory professor one, then supply one and supplement with the ones from your business colleagues. 2014 is pretty recent to not use a professor's recommendation. But if schools are open to letters from the professionals that know you best and could give the most accurate assessment then go with that. Nothing beats giving the school exactly what they say they want.
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