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June 2021 LSAT

maddie.marcouillermaddie.marcouiller Core Member
in General 5 karma

Does anybody know if the June test will also be Flex?


  • ritz2346ritz2346 Core Member
    18 karma

    LSAC hasn't said anything yet about the test date or whether it'll be Flex or not :( I've been keeping an eye on it too. I think people have said we should have an idea by March!

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Also waiting for an announcement on this. Last year it took LSAC a while to commit test dates to Flex, they were kinda one-offs. Hopefully they will just keep Flex through summer at least, I can't imagine trying to coordinate in-person exams before October with infection numbers where they are...

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    I might be wrong, but the testing cycle every year is from like June to Spring right? i.e. The first test of the cycle is in June, and then the last test is March or April because that's the last possible exam you can take in order to apply to the current admissions cycle.

    April 2021 is the final exam for 2020-2021 cycle, and this entire cycle happened to be Flex due to COVID. So I wonder if the consideration for June is if they go flex, then would they have to make the entire cycle flex in order to "even" the playing field among applicants applying for Fall 2022 admissions? I can't really see LSAC justifying an in-person exam in June, but then again, other standardized tests such as SAT and MCAT have continued in-person so it's hard to say...

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