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165 First Try- Thank you 7sage!!!!

LetsDoThis2020LetsDoThis2020 Alum Member

I just wanted to put this here to end off my LSAT journey right. I started studying using 7sage in April. I studied full time, almost 7 hours a day every day for months and ended up with a 165 on my first try. I wanted to put this here to reinforce the fact that studying pays off. If you follow the core curriculum and work hard you will get the score you want. I only needed a 158 for my school of choice and scored 7 points higher because of this community and platform. Thank you so much 7sage!!! I will continue to recommend this incredible network to all of my friends.


  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    killer, good job .

  • ARMANC74ARMANC74 Member
    210 karma

    Well done

  • That’s awesome!!! I also got a 165...I see some people on here disappointed with their 169+, but I’m not aiming for Harvard and was unable to study full time (just nights & weekends for 3 months), so I’m happy!

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Alum Member
    474 karma

    thats awesome! Would either of you share your 3 month study schedule?

  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    815 karma


  • fullstopfullstop Member
    169 karma

    That's amazing, congratulations! Please consider sharing your study schedule!

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