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Study Buddy- Aiming for 160-165 (Planning to take April's Exam)

Hi 7Sage Community,

My name is Aine- I began studying last October but more seriously in Nov. (My diagnostic was a 149 and right now I'm at 157).
I'd love to begin studying with one or two fellow test takers who are in a similar scoring range (likely with similar scoring goals) and who are looking to take April-later exams.

Feel free to give me a shout on here and we can see about setting up a weekly day/time to connect up!
Thank you! And happy studying to everyone!


  • Wil SmiffWil Smiff Core Member
    2 karma

    Hey, I got the same goals as you! I am free tuesdays, thursdays, and fridays for the majority of the day. Weekends are cool too.

  • 72 karma

    Im in the same boat as well. In the mid 150's and aiming for low 160's.

  • dogged at this pointdogged at this point Core Member
    9 karma

    Here as well! Scored around 160s all of November but life got in the way. Having a hard time picking this test back up so would love to join a group.

  • fullstopfullstop Member
    169 karma

    International student here, would love to join!

  • love2learnlove2learn Free Trial Member
    252 karma

    Hi I'm interested - I'm planning on either June or July test. I'm at a 159-162 range right now and hoping to be mid60s stable, or higher. How are you hoping to do this?

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