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Studying Tips

LeonLaw21LeonLaw21 Core Member
in General 47 karma

Hey you all! I am wondering what you guys are doing for studying. I am almost done with the Logic Games lessons and I am curious whether or not I should be doing practice test in between lessons or should I finish the Course first before taking practice tests? Let me know what has helped you!


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    I wouldn't expend PTs before you finish the course. There are more than enough practice sets in the CC.

  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    @canihazJD Hey u seem to be the lsat guru round here quick q. Did u have to foolproof 1-35 10x ? or pacifico method? or ?? just wondering if u can give foolproofing advice 4 LG?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    edited February 2021 8491 karma

    @learn2skipQs said:
    @canihazJD Hey u seem to be the lsat guru round here quick q. Did u have to foolproof 1-35 10x ? or pacifico method? or ?? just wondering if u can give foolproofing advice 4 LG?

    Lol nowhere near a guru... but thanks. So I had this two page wall of text about games, but I'm replacing it with this so no one thinks I'm crazy. I have this theory about inducing stress and integration of the test into your day to day life so its not this whole oh shit time to do lsat thing.

    Anyway, my simple answer is to get as much volume/exposure to different games under your belt as possible, and don't worry so much about precise tracking of dates, times, reps... just unnecessary added stress in my opinion. Is my performance on this game smooth, fast, and accurate? If not how do get there? If it is, move on to the next game.

    How you organize your games (by PTs, game types or whatever) isn't as important. Just be sure to revisit games until you feel like you own them. I started off super organized, tracking times, reps, dates, etc. but eventually ended up just looking at my existing problem sets, and seeing which games I had hadn't gone 100% on or hadn't done in a while.

    To answer your question directly: I foolproofed the CC games first, then started from PT1 and worked up. Probably 20-40 games a week (1-2 sets of 4 a day, by PT) repeating as necessary. Once I realized I could ditch all the obsessive tracking, it became more fun and I just kind of saw it as an activity... maybe I'd do all level 5 games or games with rule-sub questions from a certain range. Maybe a stack of 10 easy games or simple sequencing, but do them as fast as possible. It got a lot easier as I relaxed and learned to have fun with it.

  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    1050 karma

    Hey! I'm in a similar-ish place. I just started logic games (on spatial games currently) If you haven't done the Loophole, I've found it to be a good supplement for LR studying while I go through the LG section of the CC.

  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    @canihazJD thnx good advice

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