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worse on blind review

xtinalewisxtinalewis Alum Member
in General 6 karma

it seems my initial choice is usually the right choice. when i go to do blind review i second guess myself and pick something different. I am also doing worse on my diagnostic tests. I am wondering of this is a normal part of the process or I am just regressing and doing something wrong


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    If you’re scoring worse on BR than your timed take, I’d suggest you stop taking PTs and go back to the cc. To me this means your fundamentals are not where they need to be.

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @xtinalewis are you doing worse on multiple blind reviews or just one? How long have you been studying? If you scores are dipping back below the diagnostic then maybe you are 'burnt-out' many people get that, I have had it. For me when that happens I usually need a few days off from the lsat and then I come back refreshed and more ready to learn. For second guessing yourself, my rule is, If I do not have evidence to change my answer, then i do not change my answer from the original one I picked. Also if you just started PTn the I would suggest like @Logician said and go back to the CC. I would also figure out what problems/sections are giving you the most trouble and go back to the CC and re do those sections. At one point most everyone has gone back to the CC to clarify things, I know I have do it for many topics.

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