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study schedule

mkdioceemkdiocee Member
in General 79 karma

I had a question concerning the study schedule. Do y'all go through every single lesson/quiz.problem set before moving on, or if you feel like you've grasped the material fairly well, do you move on with further lessons and leave some of the problem sets for later? I feel like I'm not studying as efficiently by doing all the problem sets before moving on to later core curriculum, and I feel like it'll help to go through all the core curriculum first! Thoughts, opinions?


  • foodplantsfoodplants Core Member
    46 karma

    Commenting because I would also like to hear what others are saying. So far, I have gone through each lesson and tried my best to understand it. The lawgic lesson is what made me question if I should continue on even if I don’t understand it fully.

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited February 2021 1866 karma

    I would do all of the in-lesson quizzes, but leave some of the actual problem sets for later. Since the problem sets tend to increase in difficulty, if you're struggling a bit more with the lesson I recommend going in order one by one until you you're feeling more familiar with the material (e.g. problem sets 1-5 out of 10). Totally fine if you end up going through all of them, too. If you're feeling good with the lesson, I would skip through a bit so you get to experience the range of difficulty (e.g. problem sets 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 out of 10).

  • teechj117teechj117 Alum Member
    edited February 2021 296 karma

    I star any subjects that gave me trouble on the first run through, doing some of the earlier questions in the set, then came back to do the harder ones later when I had a better grasp. Mind you, I only felt I had a better grasp after I did a few PTs with blind review and understood the order (or lack thereof) and timing of the test in a practical setting. This was on top of the frustration I had for not being able to apply what I thought I had just learned. With that, I'll say not to be so hard yourself if these things don't stick all the time, for time is part of the lesson behind digesting this stuff.

    You can always make another copy of the problem sets later when you revisit, or adjust time on the early ones depending on your confidence. Part of the novelty of this test is also figuring out what works for you, and how best you learn given your schedule. Don't be afraid to deviate if another way works better for you.

  • elliaddaganelliaddagan Member
    144 karma

    There is so much to the syllabus I think it is fine to skip around some, otherwise you might just get halfway and then give up because it is so much. I think it is better to get a more well rounded experience then to burnout halfway through. I do however think you should to everything in the Logic Games section of the syllabus. Good luck!

  • sarahblairsarahblair Core Member
    604 karma

    I agree with @elliaddagan . I also think it is important to work through the fundamentals of LR just for the Lawgic lessons because they are referenced a lot later and they build. But you can definitely skip through problem sets if you feel comfortable. And LR gets a bit repetitive as well depending on how comfortable you naturally are with reading comprehension.

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