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Admission Q, break from school?

Holly YvonneHolly Yvonne Member
edited March 2021 in Law School Admissions 16 karma

When colleges ask "Has your education in college, university, or professional school been interrupted for one term or more for any reason?" what exactly do they mean? I received my bachelors degree in september and won't be starting school again until / if I am accepted for law school this fall. Does this count as a break/interruption? Or do they only mean a break/interruption as in someone taking time off whilst in the process of getting a degree? Thanks !!


  • EagerestBeaverEagerestBeaver Alum Member
    703 karma

    I don't believe your academic career has been interrupted. I think they mean, "have you ever been in school and had to stop school for an extended period." I do not think completing your undergraduate degree then waiting for a graduate degree is what they are referring to.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Speaking as a former admissions officer, this question is asking about pauses during the course of your degree studies, not pauses between degrees.

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