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Juggling Modules and Practice LSATs

David G.David G. Member
in General 9 karma

Hi All,

I'm wondering how I should prioritize my time in order to get the most out of 7Sage. For reference I am scoring in the low-150s now, and am hoping to score in the low 160s by the time I take the August 2021 LSAT. Of the two strategies listed below, which strategy might be the most efficient way to spend my time studying?

1) Aim to complete every learning module first, and then move on to drilling Practice Tests?
2) Split my time somewhat evenly between modules and tests?

I do pretty poorly on the LG and LR Sections, so my gut is telling me that drilling practice tests without some major foundational work on those sections would not be the best use of my time. However, I don't want to spend so much time on modules that I miss out on the experience of gaining the test-taking stamina, practicing under time constraints, etc. that comes with drilling Practice LSATs.

I'm open to any and all takes :)

Thank you!


  • 424 karma

    My suggestion? Focus almost entirely on foolproofing your LG section. I probably sound like a broken record - I’ve said this often enough before on this thread, but - Follow the advice on the “perfect score logic games” page ( until you’re near perfect. It’s really a “tried and true” way to get an excellent LG score, and it’s the most reliable way to improve your score.

    (Put your extra time into the CC foundational work for the first 1/2 of your time, and drill the last 1/2 of your time).

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @David G. I would finish the CC. there is not really a point in doing PTs (and burring up a nonrenewable resource) because you do not have all the tools at your disposal. And the biggest thing at the start is doing the process JY teaches you. Implementing the correct habits during BR is what is going to get you to the correct habits during the timed PTs and that is what's going to increase your score. Yes, you can drill LG and that will help you get to a 160 but if you neglect RC(I say this because I know RC is the last CC section) a 160 is likely where you will stay. I would finish the CC then take a PT and see what foundational lessons stuck, and move on from there. You can fool proof the games as you move through the CC and into RC but I would focus the vast majority of my time on completing the CC then move into specific drilling of your weak areas.

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