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Internship/ LSAT

mmcclure2mmcclure2 Core Member

Hello everyone. My original plan for the summer was to study throughout the summer and take the LSAT in August. I have not really been studying, so I would not be ready for the June exam. I just got offered an internship in DC that is from mid-June through early August. It is a great opportunity, but I am worried I could not efficiently study for the LSAT while I am there. I am not aiming to score super high, but I am concerned that I have not really been studying at all. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • 424 karma

    I’d suggest doing a diagnostic test before making any decisions - then you’ll know where you are, and you’ll even get a sense of how much time might be required to get you to your goal.

  • 219 karma

    Clarify on the internship - are you on the Hill? If you are interning in a member's office, you will not get the most out of the experience if you need to leave the office and study after work. Capitol Hill time is like gold on a resume. If you have been offered that opportunity, it most likely will turn in to a job for you later, whether with that office or another one. You need to meet as many people as you can, go to as many events as you can, spend as much time with the member as you can, (or LD or COS or LA, whomever) to get every single bit of it as possible. Treat it like running for student government in college. And I bet you don't live in Washington now. You need to explore that city with the new friends you will make, build a basis of real, trusting friendships. Politics is all about relationships. These friends may stick with you long term, and you never ever ever know when one will be a door to a new job opportunity down the road in your life. It's just the way that town works. If you need to study the LSAT at the same time, you are making a choice to limit your opportunities. They are both important, the choices are yours. If you are not on the Hill, for example, in a law office on K street or at a nonprofit downtown, the opportunities will not be the same as being around the politicians or people who may someday be the politicians. Be diligent, leave the office after work and go study. You can laser focus and do both. But if you have a Hill internship, consider waiting a little on your LSAT. The test will always be there. Your internship chances will not.

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