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How should/can I improve and study now? Studying techniques tips needed!

evan.006evan.006 Member
in General 82 karma

Hey all, so I'm taking the June LSAT (cannot be pushed back, already pushed from April) and I'm still looking to improve in my score. I'm scoring consistently around 166-168, but I really want to break into a confident 170 in time for the June test. My weaknesses are LR (-3 to -5) and RC (-1 to -5), but I'm set for LG (-0 or -1).

My typical method of studying is taking either LR or RC problem sets every day, while taking a PT approximately once a week. This helped me improve from -7 to -5 in LR, and similarly for RC, but I have not seen much improvement recently. I want to dedicate a couple of hours every weekday and all Saturday or Sunday to studying, and I really want to maximize the last three weeks.

Does anyone (in a similar position/score/goal) have any recommendations on how to study best? Or, generally, what studying techniques (with the exceptions of reading a book and tutors) have you utilized to best improve your score/understanding?



  • LegallyJoyLegallyJoy Member
    9 karma

    LG is the easiest section to improve so I would work on that. I watched JY's video explanations for the games that gave me trouble. I'd do my board setup, watch the video to see his, if my setup was correct then I'd tackle the questions on my own then finish the video. I did this multiple times. Now I'm consistently scoring between -1 to -3

  • 123anami123anami Member
    388 karma

    I'm in the exact same boat as you .. if anyone has tips I'd love to hear them

  • evan.006evan.006 Member
    82 karma

    @LegallyJoy said:
    LG is the easiest section to improve so I would work on that. I watched JY's video explanations for the games that gave me trouble. I'd do my board setup, watch the video to see his, if my setup was correct then I'd tackle the questions on my own then finish the video. I did this multiple times. Now I'm consistently scoring between -1 to -3

    Unfortunately I'm not really looking to improve for LG since I'm usually -0 to -1 questions per section. I would love to hear any tips you have for the other sections though!

  • edited May 2021 540 karma

    It may be critical to identify why you are getting those LR and RC questions wrong.

    What specific weaknesses can you identify? What trends in the data can you uncover amongst your recent PTs? For example, the thing that really pushed me from -5 to -7 in LR into -1 to -3 range was working on my timing strategy, skipping, and knowing when to "give up" on a difficult question. That only worked for me because it was a significant weakness of mine. But this specific weakness may not apply to you. In addition, there were several weeks when I had to drill weak, flaw, and NA question types. I was getting them consistently wrong and working on these weaknesses contributed to higher scoring.

    Similar with RC. Are you having issues with certain passage types? Certain question types? Or are you running out of time and need to re-calibrate how much time you spend on the passage reading and answering the questions? My biggest weaknesses are the inference type questions on RC and they deserve special treatment from me to improve on them.

    At this point, you are likely looking at accumulating small gains on fine details. Which of these fine details can you identify and improve on?

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