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Calm My Nerves....Am I On Track?

Controller779Controller779 Alum Member
in General 221 karma
I'm prepping for the October test....started 7Sage in January and so far have:

- Been through core curriculum twice
- Been through Trainer once
- Done half of logic games bundle (but I'm very slow on building my LG understanding. It's not going too well)

I'm away right now but return on June 21st. Between then and October I need to:

- Complete LG bundle and any associated "re-runs"
- Read Trainer one more time
- Start and exhaust Cambridge drilling packets for LR
- Complete & BR every prep test
- Dive back into core curriculum/trainer as needed

I'm slightly privileged in the fact that I run a business where I can wrap up most days by 1pm and devote the rest of the time to LSAT prep.

Do I appear to be on track, and should there be enough time to cover the remainder?

I'm in a slow-burning freak out mode over the amount of time I have left and all that is left to accomplish. I'd like to do the LSAT in October to get into my desired school's scholarship pool (closes Nov 25th). If I have to push to December I will...but I'd like to avoid delaying to 2017 entry, as I'm getting on in life and it's now or never!


  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    You sound/look on track. For October I would start taking prep tests ASAP,as you truly only really get an understanding of the test as you push through those prep tests and blind review. I would drop reading the Trainer one more time (to save you time), as concepts are better learned through doing prep tests than reading how to do them. That's just my opinion tho! Start testing and see where you're at and do the drilling :)
  • bstew2002bstew2002 Alum Member
    269 karma
    I echo @harrismegan 's advice. You're fine. Don' read the entire Trainer again, but do "targeted" reading as necessary. Building up your LSAT Analytics after you've started the PTs will tell you what you need to review or re-study.

    Finish the LG Bundle before moving on to PTs. This will help you get LG locked in so you can focus on LR and RC.
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    @jamesjentucker I am in a similar situation! But you are ahead of me. Glad I found this thread. Prepping for October, I've been through most of the Trainer (started with that) and I'm just focusing on LG with 7Sage, so I'm covering the core curriculum only for LG related material. I also am able to prep 40-50hrs/wk, but so far I am so slow on LG drilling with BR and the foolproof repeats.
    @bstew2002, do you really think doing the whole bundle before PTs is the best strategy? I am hoping to start PTs in July to have 3 months for them (is that enough time given how much I can study each week?), do you think it's doable to crank out the whole LG bundle with BR and foolproof repeats during the rest of June?
    Any input appreciated - thanks!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @jamesjentucker I think you're in great shape and have no need to worry, and I think your plan is actually overdoing it a bit, though others might disagree. Some of what I'm about to say has been said, but it was great advice so I don't mind repeating it. When you get back I'd forget about rereading the Trainer on its own and instead use it to address problem areas as they come up. Don't do the whole bundle or exhaust all your LR drilling questions because you will want some of both to be fresh later. If you haven't been doing any LSAT prep while you've been away then I'd say do a few days of the bundle and some LR drilling and then jump straight into PTs. As issues start to arise in different areas then start to incorporate the Trainer and some drilling, but PTs are your moneymaker at this point with 3 months to go and 5 months already invested.

    @allison.gill.sanford I wrote this about my strategy for the bundle:

    I only ended up doing ~1/3 of the bundle before I started PTs so I could keep some of the bundle for fresh drilling later and I had gotten a pretty good handle on my LG strategy and I've averaged -1 on LG sections of PTs since then. I'd do some until you feel comfortable and then put the rest of the bundle away for later. Good luck to both of you!
  • bstew2002bstew2002 Alum Member
    269 karma
    @allison.gill.sanford I guess I was pretty strong at LG, so I was able to get through the LG Bundle with very little Fool-Proofing and hence, less time. It didn't take so long (maybe 3 weeks while working full time?) as to detract from what I had learned about LR and RC in the curriculum before I started the PTs. I recommend doing the bundle primarily just to "lock-in" LG so you can focus on improving what are, in my opinion, the more difficult parts of the LSAT.

    I suppose that means that gutting through the LG bundle was the best strategy for me. If you think you want to cut it up and mix it with PTs or whatever, I don't think that is necessarily a "bad" idea. At least you would be studying in a manner that makes you feel comfortable, right?

    Final plug: After the LG bundle, I don't think I missed an LG question during my first 5 or 6 PTs. It was nice, and it let me focus on other things.

    Good luck. You really can't go wrong and I appreciate you reading all the comments.
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    @Pacifico thanks for the advice; I think I will use a modified version of your strategy, I definitely need to drill LGs more than 4x at this point to get my timing reasonable, but as I improve I will probably do less repeats of each test and come back to them over time, as you suggested.
    @bstew2002 thanks for the input - I'm still getting a handle on how to be self-led in determining how to study (rather than blindly following a curriculum), so this is super helpful to hear your thoughts and why you took a certain approach. Thanks for the input everyone!
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