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I am currently scoring 149 and hoping to reach 165 by December. I work full-time so, it's hard for me to study by myself and stay on track. Anyone here interested to study together with the goal of improve their score?
Wow this is great response!
I am not sure how people normally do this in the forum. Any suggestions?
I am happy to coordinate it whether it's WhatsApp, Skype, Google or any other way to form the study group. Please feel free to make suggestions and how you would like to study as a group?
Thanks everyone!
Hello Jennifer! I also work full time, and I'm interested to study together too. My goal is to improve from 152 raw (158 BR) to 170 by January.
I'm also working full time trying to get my 155 to a 160 by oct or November.
I’m planning on taking the November test and also working full time. Would love to join
Hello, would love to join.I work full time as well and study in the early morning and late at night.
Hi, I would also like to join.
I am interested in joining as well! I will be taking the November exam.
Interested as well!
I would like to join!
I also work full-time and currently scoring around the same. I plan to take it in Oct. and would be interested in joining!
Oh wow this is great response!
I am not sure how people normally do this in the forum. Any suggestions?
I am happy to coordinate it whether it's WhatsApp, Skype, Google or any other way to form the study group. Please feel free to make suggestions and how you would like to study as a group?
Thanks everyone!
oh I want to take it in October too but I can't find the time to study and improve it. It's quite challenging with a full-time job but definitely doable. I hoping with a study group we are forced to study together and improve our score! lol
Would love to join
Hello I would love to join as well!I'm taking mine in October!
Interested to join as well. Taking it whenever I feel like I am ready. I have just started.
Interested, as well. I'm taking the August one in 5 days and continuing to study for October.
Interested as well! Working full time and will be taking a full course load, scoring around the same!
Would love to join as well!
I would love to join!