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⚖ Official August 2021 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖



  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    1384 karma

    @cgbon yes it is; you can refer to my earlier post

  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    edited August 2021 1384 karma


    I just saw someone else post this on another discussion thread, but for any today/Tuesday testtakers, do NOT forget to click on “Ready to Check In” before (BEFORE!!!) your 10 minutes is up.

    I'm sure everyone registered got this email from LSAC:


    "Section 3 will not begin until the countdown clock expires. Test takers must click the “Ready to Check In” button before the intermission expires. Once this button is clicked, the test taker is taken to a waiting room. At this point, your proctor will resecure your testing environment so that you can go on to Section 3.

    It is absolutely critical that you return to your computer and click the “Ready to Check In” button within the allotted 10 minutes.

    If you fail to check in for Section 3 of the LSAT prior to the expiration of the 10-minute intermission, your testing session will be terminated and your score will be canceled. This cancellation will be recorded by LSAC as a Candidate Cancel and reported to any school to which you apply for admission that utilizes LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS) reports."

    I checked in at the 1'20'' left mark. And don't worry, I still had to wait until the full 10 minutes were done, and my proctor was slow to return anyways. PLUS I had another extra minute just BEFORE Section 3 was due to begin. So no one's getting jipped if you 'check in' early.


    ⚠⚠⚠ Please, y'all... DO THIS. ⚠⚠⚠

  • 13002534241300253424 Member
    52 karma

    Could anyone please tell me a full process in details of this flex exam? I may take the test in October for the first time. I am very nervous that I might do something wrong. I’m so nervous right now..😭

  • 13002534241300253424 Member
    52 karma

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! This really helps! Thanks✖️10000!

  • ws24ws24 Member
    edited August 2021 18 karma

    Just finished. I had LG-LR-RC-LG. The fourth game of the first section is particularly hard. It is a double layer sequencing game with a total of 7 questions (and I guessed on 6 of them lol). I hope this section end up being the test section.

  • Vivi says HiVivi says Hi Member
    edited August 2021 25 karma

    Just finished! I had LG-LR-RC-LG

    First LG felt a lot harder than the second LG, I didn't have enough time to finish the fourth game so I'm really hoping that is the experimental. I can't remember all the topics but I know that the fourth game dealt with Security Guards/Buildings.

    LR seemed standard, nothing out of the ordinary. However, my alarm on my phone went off the last ten minutes and I had to wait until my proctor said it was okay to turn to it off.

    RC wasn't too bad. I have the Nigerian Language/Literature, EMFs, Privatization, and the last one was something dealing with trees and Cacao.

    Second LG was easy. Campers, Clothing/Retail, Clay Tablets, Musicians/Concerts.

    (For those that only had one LG please comment what game themes you had)

  • UCLApleaseUCLAplease Member
    edited August 2021 281 karma

    @"Vivi says Hi" said:
    Just finished! I had LG-LR-RC-LG

    First LG felt a lot harder than the second LG, I didn't have enough time to finish the fourth game so I'm really hoping that is the experimental. I can't remember all the topics but I know that the fourth game dealt with Security Guards/Buildings.

    LR seemed standard, nothing out of the ordinary. However, my alarm on my phone went off the last ten minutes and I had to wait until my proctor said it was okay to turn to it off.

    RC wasn't too bad. I have the Nigerian Language/Literature, EMFs, Privatization, and the last one was something dealing with trees and Cacao.

    Second LG was easy. Campers, Clothing/Retail, Clay Tablets, Musicians/Concerts.

    (For those that only had one LG please comment what game themes you had)

    What LR topics did you have?

  • wsowellwsowell Free Trial Member
    64 karma

    I take it this afternoon, but from what I can tell from watching this forum like a hawk, is that the Real LG is standard, same with the LR that is scored, and the real RC is the Nigerian language one which most people have said is fairly difficult. For the people this morning can you give more detail about the two LG so we can try to figure out which one is experimental?

  • UCLApleaseUCLAplease Member
    edited August 2021 281 karma

    @wsowell said:
    I take it this afternoon, but from what I can tell from watching this forum like a hawk, is that the Real LG is standard, same with the LR that is scored, and the real RC is the Nigerian language one which most people have said is fairly difficult. For the people this morning can you give more detail about the two LG so we can try to figure out which one is experimental?

    I've heard the real LR is deceptively easy. Plus, they could have multiple real LRs/RCs/LGs that they will use.

    Edit: I think there are two real LRs and RCs being used right now.

  • Vivi says HiVivi says Hi Member
    edited August 2021 25 karma

    @studysleeprepeat said:
    I took the test this afternoon, I had RC-LR-LR-LG, the RC was more on the difficult side and included passages on Nigerian authors, trees/grasses and symbiosis, electrical companies, and privatization. LG was straightforward, definitely the easiest section for me.

    The first LR felt much easier than the second, I'm forgetting which questions were on it. The second LR had questions like: a book on opera/the medieval era, tire pressure, and economic growth. I hope the second LR was the experimental one.

    Hi! I had the same RC as you, but I had two LGs.
    The LR section I had mentioned, monkeys, shark research funding, company meals/taxes. Hope that helps!
    Do you happen to remember what your LG topics were?

  • Vivi says HiVivi says Hi Member
    25 karma

    @UCLAplease said:

    What LR topics did you have?

    It was monkeys, shark research funding, company meals/taxes.

  • charlydanquahcharlydanquah Free Trial Member
    edited August 2021 10 karma

    @teeksd9898 said:
    has anyone so far had a non-RC section?

    Yeah the Nigerian one was the one I got

  • charlydanquahcharlydanquah Free Trial Member
    10 karma

    The Nigerian rc is definitely the real deal then. Cos I had two logic games sections . And I’m tryna figure out which one was the experimental. Did anyone get two logic games??

  • samlettierisamlettieri Core Member
    5 karma

    I am taking the exam on Tuesday and was just updating my computer and checking my RAM space because I read on this thread that some people had issues with not enough RAM storage. I have 1.42 available physical memory. Is that okay or enough?

  • 81 karma

    @samlettieri said:
    I am taking the exam on Tuesday and was just updating my computer and checking my RAM space because I read on this thread that some people had issues with not enough RAM storage. I have 1.42 available physical memory. Is that okay or enough?

    just make sure to test ur equipment on proctoru!

  • dawgslaw123dawgslaw123 Alum Member
    138 karma

    @charlydanquah said:
    The Nigerian rc is definitely the real deal then. Cos I had two logic games sections . And I’m tryna figure out which one was the experimental. Did anyone get two logic games??

    So much for people saying yesterday that they wouldn't do experimental LG...

  • PhoebeBeebePhoebeBeebe Member
    8 karma

    Just had 2 LGS. LG-LR-RC-LG. First section was easier than the last one, but both were pretty standard LGs (both easier in general than I expected. Same topics as those who had both LGs, would love to know if someone took it today who only had one LG section.

  • wsowellwsowell Free Trial Member
    64 karma

    @PhoebeBeebe It seemed yesterday it switched between lunch time (central time zone) so aruond 12-1ish. I would expect the same happens today, although its LSAC, so who knows. lol. I take it at 2 so I'll comment after that.

  • edited August 2021 25 karma

    im getting mixed feeling about this test, some are saying the LR is similar to 60/70s while others are comparing it to the early 80's (in which i found way more difficult!) ofc either way im fineeeee right??!? * hyperventilates *

  • j.harrisonj.harrison Member
    edited August 2021 57 karma

    Is there a way to know which LG section was experimental? I had security guards on one and boutiques on the other. I screwed up the security guard game and would cancel if that is not the experimental.

  • zach.narinzach.narin Core Member
    6 karma

    yup, in a similar boat!

  • jucocenteno317jucocenteno317 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    @"zach.narin" said:
    yup, in a similar boat!

    Same! Two LGs. I had a bit of a panic attack halfway through that security guards one. Can anyone confirm which was experimental?

  • mward5893mward5893 Member
    5 karma

    Just finished! I had LG-LR-RC-LG. I felt like the first LG section was harder, but I still ran out of time on the second LG section. My RC topics were Nigerian language, EMFs, privatization, and symbiosis.

    I felt like everything was pretty standard, but I definitely got nervous and rushed.

  • csharm002csharm002 Member
    edited August 2021 352 karma

    You should edit your post. You're not allowed to discuss what the game types were.

  • laneward6laneward6 Member
    46 karma

    @PhoebeBeebe said:
    Just had 2 LGS. LG-LR-RC-LG. First section was easier than the last one, but both were pretty standard LGs (both easier in general than I expected. Same topics as those who had both LGs, would love to know if someone took it today who only had one LG section.

    I had only one LG section. I would say it was easier than a lot of PTs.

  • jucocenteno317jucocenteno317 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    @laneward6 said:

    I had only one LG section. I would say it was easier than a lot of PTs.

    @laneward6 , do you remember if the last game in your LG section was about security guards? I'm hoping not haha

  • laneward6laneward6 Member
    46 karma

    @laneward6 , do you remember if the last game in your LG section was about security guards? I'm hoping not haha

    Honestly man, I don’t remember there being a game with security guards. I don’t really remember the games from yesterday all that much but if I heard one that I had I would probably recognize it.

    Same with LR. I had two sections and I remember some of the questions but I don’t remember which section they were in .

  • jucocenteno317jucocenteno317 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    @laneward6 said:

    Honestly man, I don’t remember there being a game with security guards. I don’t really remember the games from yesterday all that much but if I heard one that I had I would probably recognize it.

    Same with LR. I had two sections and I remember some of the questions but I don’t remember which section they were in .

    For sure, thanks! That is a little reassuring anyway!

    If anyone else does happen to know precisely I'd really appreciate it : )

  • Vivi says HiVivi says Hi Member
    25 karma

    @laneward6 said:

    Honestly man, I don’t remember there being a game with security guards. I don’t really remember the games from yesterday all that much but if I heard one that I had I would probably recognize it.

    Same with LR. I had two sections and I remember some of the questions but I don’t remember which section they were in .

    Hi did you have the games with movies, political parties, and fencing?

  • laneward6laneward6 Member
    46 karma

    Hi did you have the games with movies, political parties, and fencing?

    Yes. I remember there was a game that involved two different political parties.

  • jucocenteno317jucocenteno317 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    @"Vivi says Hi" said:

    Hi did you have the games with movies, political parties, and fencing?

    @"Vivi says Hi" is that the games section with the security guards or the boutique one?

  • laneward6laneward6 Member
    46 karma

    @"Vivi says Hi" is that the games section with the security guards or the boutique one?

    I’m not sure. I do know there was a grouping game I got stuck on because I didn’t understand the rule at first. Not using the same letters but basically like, “ A has to go with B.” But as I was doing the game I understood that B didn’t have to go with A. I’m not the best at logic games . Usually like -7 but I will say it was easier than a lot of PTs I have taken so if your okay with Logic games you’ll be ok.

  • jasong99jasong99 Member
    35 karma

    I had LG-LR-RC-LG. did anyone else find the first LG much harder than the second

  • prisonmikeprisonmike Member
    18 karma

    Just finished. I was interrupted 4 times in the only RC section I had. Pretty much in every passage. Each interruption was longer than 10 minutes. I had to go back an re-read everything and try to answer the questions. The whole section was a disaster.... The Proctors kept taking control without saying anything and when they tried pausing the test the macbook bar would come up so they would open a bunch of other apps including photos from my phone and Spotify with the clock still counting.

  • WecandothisWecandothis Member
    edited August 2021 31 karma

    @"Vivi says Hi" said:
    Just finished! I had LG-LR-RC-LG

    First LG felt a lot harder than the second LG, I didn't have enough time to finish the fourth game so I'm really hoping that is the experimental. I can't remember all the topics but I know that the fourth game dealt with Security Guards/Buildings.

    LR seemed standard, nothing out of the ordinary. However, my alarm on my phone went off the last ten minutes and I had to wait until my proctor said it was okay to turn to it off.

    RC wasn't too bad. I have the Nigerian Language/Literature, EMFs, Privatization, and the last one was something dealing with trees and Cacao.

    Second LG was easy. Campers, Clothing/Retail, Clay Tablets, Musicians/Concerts.

    (For those that only had one LG please comment what game themes you had)

    I had the exact same test as you. Same 4 RC passages, felt the same about LR. I BOMBED the first LG section. that shit was impossible. second I finished w time to spare. Hoping the first was experimental.

  • allthewayupallthewayup Member
    26 karma

    @Wecandothis said:

    I had the exact same test as you. Same 4 RC passages, felt the same about LR. I BOMBED the first LG section. that shit was impossible. second I finished w time to spare. Hoping the first was experimental.

    Well, I feel I just figured out the real LG is security guards. I had this game on my second LG though, and I don't recall anything about campers or clay tablets.

  • WecandothisWecandothis Member
    31 karma

    @ws24 said:
    Just finished. I had LG-LR-RC-LG. The fourth game of the first section is particularly hard. It is a double layer sequencing game with a total of 7 questions (and I guessed on 6 of them lol). I hope this section end up being the test section.

    also guessed on 6 out of 7 on this one and usually go -0 or -1 on LG sooo

  • edited August 2021 76 karma

    I was ecstatic to have 2 LGs bc 2 RCs wouldve been my biggest nightmare but i literally couldnt finish the section with the security guards and LG is usually -0/-1 for me. :| i hope that's the experimental bc... whew lol

  • Lmao reading the comments looks like nobody could do that impossible sec. guard one

  • j_u_n_i_p_e_rj_u_n_i_p_e_r Member
    edited August 2021 15 karma

    I also had 2 LG. Got through the first 3 on both very quickly, but had trouble with Guards and took my time with the Fashion boutiques game. Reaaaally hope Guards is experimental bc I'm confident I did very well on the other.

  • samlettierisamlettieri Core Member
    5 karma

    I just tested my equipment on proctor u and it is saying that my internet is not within the minimum upload speed. How do I improve this?

  • autumn.ames23autumn.ames23 Member
    251 karma

    Just finished, I had: RC, LG, LG, LR. The first LG was the one with the security guards and it was so hard. I typically average -2/3 but I couldn't finish. Hope it was the expiermental

  • edited August 2021 21 karma

    Finished a little while ago. RC, LG, LR, LG. I had the same 2 LG everyone else from today is reporting, but the order was switched - I had the boutiques/clay tablets section first and then the bands/security guards last. I usually average -0/-1 on LG, but the security guards game was absolutely brutal. I guessed on the last 3-4 questions so if that's not the experimental, I'm canceling

  • whendoesitendwhendoesitend Core Member
    edited August 2021 40 karma

    @kfhm1019 said:
    Finished a little while ago. RC, LG, LR, LG. I had the same 2 LG everyone else from today is reporting, but the order was switched - I had the boutiques/clay tablets section first and then the bands/security guards last. I usually average -0/-1 on games, but the security guards section was absolutely brutal. I guessed on the last 3-4 questions so if that's not the experimental, I'm canceling

    Mine was switched as well, the fourth game on both sections gave me trouble but other than that they were pretty average for LG.

  • 40 karma

    Just finished with RC-LG-LR-LG as my order. Agree with other statements that the LG with the security guard question was much more difficult (would argue it was the hardest section in the test).

  • Vivi says HiVivi says Hi Member
    25 karma

    @jucocenteno317 said:

    @"Vivi says Hi" is that the games section with the security guards or the boutique one?

    No, i asked because that is the games people seemed to have yesterday. I had two LGs today, and I did not get any of those topics. Just security guard on the first LG and clay tablets/boutiques in the second LG.

  • Vivi says HiVivi says Hi Member
    edited August 2021 25 karma

    @allthewayup said:

    Well, I feel I just figured out the real LG is security guards. I had this game on my second LG though, and I don't recall anything about campers or clay tablets.

    Hi do you remember something about fashion items and boutiques/stores?
    I'm still really hoping security guards was experimental...

  • dianao6512dianao6512 Member
    edited August 2021 169 karma

    Just finished. RC-LG-LR-LG. The security guard LG was experimental because that one was insane. The other LG was standard. RC and LR standard (although I swear one of the LR questions at the very end dealing with binding Italian books had a typo, but maybe that is just me)

  • allthewayupallthewayup Member
    edited August 2021 26 karma

    @"Vivi says Hi" said:

    Hi do you remember something about fashion items and boutiques/stores?
    I'm still really hoping security guards was experimental...

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