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Course Content

in General 24 karma
Did anyone else complete lessons that are now marked as incomplete? Just making sure so that I don't skip over any that I have not done.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you're talking about the new versus old problem sets then you can find the old ones at the bottom of the curriculum portion of the syllabus before the PTs start. Otherwise you might be describing a bug that I have only encountered when I have tried to check off several items at once on the syllabus page.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Since everyone is a bit confused, I'm copy/pasting this on threads that it's related to. (That may be why you might see this several times). Here's an explanation of what's going on in short form:

    -We are recreating the Problem Sets.
    -You can still access the old problem sets here:
    -No, you don't have to go back and complete the new problem sets we added. They are similar to the old one.
    -If you've started with the old Problem Sets, you can continue with the old Problem Sets. That's not to say you can't look at the new Problem Sets / complete the new ones. Feel free. Just letting you know you might see repeated material amongst the new stuff.

    More info in this thread:
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