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Just Got done with the LR portion of the CC, Now what?

I just finished the CC of the LR and want to further my understanding of the section. I don't think I am ready for timed practice just yet. My thinking of this is to just take the LR portions of old tests, or make my own mixed sets from the Problem Sets, but I've had a problem with the latter (making my own practice tests on 7sage). This was tedious and I couldn't save the practice tests I put together so I see that as a waste of time.

Let me know what you guys think I should do going forward because I could use the advise, thank you in advance.


  • Arete_SouthbayArete_Southbay Live Member
    367 karma

    I was in the same boat as you, and I started with RC after LR. The two sections has many overlapping elements, and question types. My plan is to finish the RC and combine it with LR when I start timed section, and I also think that RC is helping me improve on LR by improving my memory. Good luck on your journey and personally there is no wrong path to success.

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