Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Why can't Logic Games click for me? - 7Sage Forum

Why can't Logic Games click for me?

AstuteEagleAstuteEagle Core Member

I don't get why the games are difficult for me. I've done a lot of Sudoku in the past which is similar to the games, in terms of figuring out placements and sequences so I assumed Logic Games would be alike to that. Every time I do a logic game, I get an average score and understand the explanation but still do average on the next problem set. Does anyone have any tips for knocking these questions out?


  • Tristan GTristan G Member
    56 karma

    I think the best thing to do is fool-proof and try again. I'm in a similar boat. It seems like everyone says logic games get super easy at some point and people start to see rapid improvement, but this simply hasn't been the case for me. I don't know how many games you've done, but I wouldn't give up yet. I have looked everywhere on how to improve, but I think the reality is literally just to keep practicing them by doing more. Repetition and volume are probably key. For something as alien as the logic games, there simply isn't any way around good old-fashioned time consuming and mentally frustrating practice. Some people will get them games quickly and intuitively. But for the rest of us, we have to take the long road. Good luck!

  • katie.mac8katie.mac8 Member
    63 karma

    Repetition and volume is the way to go for people it doesn't automatically click for. It took me around a year of studying to get to a point where I was consistently missing 0-2 in practice, which obviously sucks and is a massive time drain. I ultimately scored a 169, which for me made all the games prep feel worth it. Hang in there.

  • jerslanderjerslander Member
    146 karma

    No one becomes a master just like that. It's good that you understand explanations but that doesn't really mean much if you can't put that understanding to use in a timed setting.

    Like the above posters said, volume and repetition is key. The core curriculum on 7sage is good for just broadly covering the kinds of games you'll see and their overarching strategies but past that, LG depends on you being diligent. After a pt, do take the time to see if there's an "intelligent" way to solve games while going through them during your blind review (aim to perfect LG in your Blind Review score).

    Afterwards, review JY's explanations and see if you got the "big" inference, if there were any, and if there was anything you overlooked. Imo, LG out of every section benefits the most from consistent drilling. On days you're not PTing, I highly recommend drilling full sections, BRing those, then evaluating how you did. Keep yourself honest on whether or not you actually understood the game. If you got something wrong, foolproof it. If there was a "smarter" way to do a game that could've saved time, foolproof it. A day or two after, foolproof the same games. (I recommend full sections over individual games simply because it builds stamina, just taking a single game is a totally different mental experience from taking four back to back in 35 minutes).

    Progress isn't linear and it can get frustrating feeling yourself stagnate. It happened to me and at that point when you feel like you're ramming against a wall, disengage from LG Drills and work on something else. Eventually you'll get to a point where taking a full section doesn't tire you out too much and you can confidently tackle whatever's thrown at you.

    tl;dr Repitition, volume, foolproof. Do lots of different games. If you're brute forcing everything, that's a sign you don't really get it.

  • vidanaavidanaa Core Member
    29 karma

    It gets better, trust me! I used to only get 6-9 correct on logic games because that type of thinking and pace was so abnormal to me. I thought I was not destined to do great on the logic games section but I wanted to get better. I was also told that the logic games section is learnable and one can learn at a fairly decent rate. For me, I had to give it a solid month where I only studied logic games and I really focused on it. I wanted to get comfortable and be able to look at a game and understand immediately what they were asking for.
    During that time, I was timing myself and pushing myself to really do well on the games. You have to understand that you are not going to score amazing the first 20 games you do, but over time you see PATTERNS in the games that you play; That will allow you to be comfortable and fast to score amazing in this section.
    Now, I am only missing 0-2 depending on how difficult the game is. It is weird giving you advice because I was in a similar mindset like you. I never would have seen myself giving people advice from where I am standing in terms of the logic games section. Don't give up. you have to keep trying.

    Here are key points for people wanting to do exceptionally well on Logic Games that worked for me:
    1) Repetition
    2) Understand what the question is asking
    3) Make sure you understand every condition/rule that is given in the game
    4) Understand how rules overlap or interact with each other; this can lead to strong inferences
    5) Your diagram will be your best friend;
    6) Breathe and have fun with the logic games! (I started to really see progress on my LG when I started to enjoy the games lol)

  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    2249 karma

    I hate it when my diagrams don't match JY's and I'm left wondering whether I even did them correctly.

  • 279 karma

    @Ashley2018 said:
    I hate it when my diagrams don't match JY's and I'm left wondering whether I even did them correctly.

    Don't do that. JY always says to do the games the way it is intuitive to you. So, use his methods to learn, but your goal is to find the shortcuts, when he misses them in a video.
    You want to solve it faster and easier than what he did in the video.

  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    417 karma

    You probably have not done enough games. Foolproof the core curriculum - game types. Then foolproof games 1-35.

  • Glutton for the LSATGlutton for the LSAT Alum Member
    551 karma


  • 271 karma

    Take 2 weeks off from them and come back. For some reason, they clicked for me after doing so.

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