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Include Why X at end of personal statement

A law school I'm applying to has an optional "Why law and Why X" essay.
I feel I can tie in my Why X reason into my personal statement.

Would it disadvantage me to include the Why X in the personal statement instead of writing a separate optional essay on the topic?


  • a_pmorenoca_pmorenoc Member
    633 karma

    Since they specifically have an optional statement for "Why X" I would stick to making your personal statement more about your story and who you are otherwise you risk them thinking that a) you didn't follow their guidelines b) you aren't more than just your 'passion for law' (advice I got from an admissions officer), that being said if your personal story ties into why you want to pursue law, you could make brief statements and then expand more and discuss what you would bring to the law school in the optional. Hope this helps a bit!

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Agreed with @a_pmorenoc , and would just add that putting a WhyX at the end of your PS can detract from your work, especially if they offer you space to do it in a separate essay. Keep every piece of writing as cohesive and on-topic as you are able, it will read better and show better judgement to the AdComms reading your app. Best of luck!

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