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I've finished my LSAT Journey

domm2222domm2222 Member
edited December 2021 in General 72 karma

Hi everyone, I love when people share their final thoughts and advice as they close out of their law school journey so I thought hey maybe someone would find this post useful.

Background: I started at a 142, was PTing in the 156 range, took August 2021 got a 151 and felt pretty rough. I then started taking studying more seriously, got a tutor, and hit a 160 for November 2021. My goal was originally a 165 to hit just one schools median but I'm feeling burnt out and the majority of my schools are within the 160 range or lower, so I'm taking this win and applying now.

Disclaimer: This is what worked for me

1. Focusing on Logic Games was the biggest help, I kept drilling and practicing new games which really helped me start moving faster. Do the foolproofing method, it really works.
2. I got the Loophole by Ellen Cassidy and her Basic Translation Drill saved me so much. DO THE DRILL. It'll help you move faster through LR. Also her Powerful vs. Provable chapter is a game-changer. I wish I would've gotten this book sooner.
3. Do full LR timed sections. Look at the questions you miss the most often and start drilling. First do 2-3 difficulty questions than 3-4, depending on the level you are getting wrong. Sometimes it helps to go back to the basics.
4. Another tip for LR: I focused on hitting the first 15 with accuracy and then the last 10 picking and choosing which question to spend time on, this really helped me set a pattern.
5. Manhattan Prep's "reading for scale" for RC was very helpful, in that it helped me read for purpose. I didn't do much of 7sage RC, so can't compare.
6. Lastly, I tutored with ellesat, more specifically Van, and if you have the money I highly recommend her. She offers tutoring packages and even with the first 2 sessions with her, I learned a lot about how to study for this test. Although, this test is doable on your own, I just needed more guidance.
7. Use a wrong answer journal, spreadsheets are super easy to see everything and really organized.

If you have any questions please feel free to message me!


    65 karma

    Congratulations!!! Thats an amazing point increase. & Thank you so much for sharing these tips. I do have additional questions so I will message you.

  • vanessang46vanessang46 Free Trial Member
    13 karma

    Thanks for sharing this! I am currently scoring at at 148 on PT and want to get a tutor to help me tailor my studying. How much was your tutoring experience and was it more than 1 sesion? I am overwhelmed with tutoring programs, since I feel like I've already wasted 1.5k on a course that didn't help and was a 165+.. thanks in advance! - Vanessa

  • domm2222domm2222 Member
    72 karma

    @vanessang46 I'll message you!

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