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March 2022 LSAT Too Late For Fall 2022 Cycle?

asufianasufian Member
edited December 2021 in March 2022 LSAT 15 karma

I am planning on re taking my LSAT again and am thinking about taking the March 2022 LSAT. Is that considered late in the cycle for the Fall 2022 semester? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Would taking the February 2022 LSAT be a better idea? Thanks again.


  • gremckgremck Member
    102 karma

    Both would be "late". Some schools may have an April deadline but you're cutting it very close plus if you did get accepted, a lot of their scholarship funds have already been given out.

  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1121 karma

    IMO this is too late. Schools start admitting in September and, with a couple of notable exceptions, there's a major disadvantage to applying later because seats are filled. You'd have far worse outcomes, in terms of admissions and money, than just applying the next year in September/October. I'd wait.

  • abreualannarabreualannar Core Member
    21 karma

    Take February. February is not late.

  • yeet.gifyeet.gif Member
    36 karma

    Okay, I did my research on this because I ended up not registering in time for Jan 2022 and debated this too. Honestly, it depends on the schools you're applying for. Typically, yeah, Feb 2022 is considered "late" (some schools don't even take the Feb 2022); however, some schools application deadlines aren't even until April. So Feb is fine. I think March will be pushing it, and you might as well apply in September.

    However, if you have your application locked and loaded, and all you need is an LSAT score, then I'd take the Feb 2022 LSAT and submit to see where you get in. You could always reapply.

  • Socrates Part 2Socrates Part 2 Core Member
    70 karma

    Just wait for the next cycle, schools admit on a rolling basis and seats will be filled by then.

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