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Addendum for LSAT score released after application submitted?

Ryan ShawRyan Shaw Core Member

I am taking the January LSAT for the second time, I already have a score on record. However, I'm planning to submit my applications in late January, and scores won't be released until February 2nd. Should I write an addendum to ask that my application not be evaluated until the new score is released?



  • SS.SitkaSS.Sitka Member
    100 karma


  • shawlowry5shawlowry5 Member
    40 karma

    Once you start your application, there could be a section under addendums where you can simply check a box to indicate that you would like to have your app held until it can be reviewed with your January score- this was my experience with the apps I am working on as I am in the same boat you are. I have yet to see a request on an app to write an addendum explaining, rather just the indication that your score is incoming, but I am not sure if it is the same for all apps. Cheers.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Former admissions officer here. Some applications will ask you in the body of the application itself how you would like admissions to handle future test registration. Some, as @shawlowry5 states, will have a separate section addressing the matter. You will have to check each application on your school list to make sure. If you are uncertain, you can absolutely contact the admissions office directly with your specific request. This is common. Please know that each school has it own policy about handling future test results and application review. Good luck!

  • fjb627fjb627 Member
    18 karma

    Not sure when you are submitting but I am submitting mine on February 1st (priority deadline). January LSAT scores won't post until Feb 2nd. I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't get to my application hours after I submitted it. (The school even told me that I was safe to assume that.)

    Maybe it will be the case for you if you are talking about less than 3-4 days.

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1011 karma

    Most law schools hold your application automatically if they see that you’re registered for a future LSAT. You can also email the admissions office of your law school and let them know. They’re mostly forthcoming.

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