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Pt scores higher than actual scores

PatBackkPatBackk Core Member

Hello all,
So today was score release day and I'm devastated. I was really hoping to make it before this application cycle was over, but my score today was in the minimum score range of all of my perspective schools. I don't know what to do- every single PT exam I take I score within the 160-170 range, and then every time I take the real exam I score in the 150s. I am so utterly frustrated! I don't know how to close this gap, and extreme test anxiety doesn't help. I think I am going to have to go at this for another year and try again next app cycle. Does anyone have any advice for how to help my actual score reflect PT scores?


  • 8 karma

    I am having the same issue. It is getting frustrating dealing with test day anxiety. I don't know how to get over it. It's killing my score

  • qs2159qs2159 Member
    342 karma

    Test anxiety is the real thing! A couple of things may help
    - take each PT to resemble the real one (include the check-in session, ask a friend to watch you over zoom, take only one 10 mins break, etc.)
    - in-depth review and analysis of all wrong and flag questions (to get familiar with wrong AC patterns and train your intuition in identifying these patterns quickly)
    - mental health maintenance (therapy; meditation; social life; online gaming)
    Also if you believe anxiety really gets in your way (from scoring higher), I know accommodation could be a potential option if you're eligible.

    Good luck! You got this.

  • caroline93caroline93 Live Member
    46 karma

    Hi! I am so sorry to hear that you aren't scoring within your range. Test day anxiety is very real. Here is just a few piece of advice and opinion on my behalf:

    1. Have you considered requesting test day accommodations? If your nerves/anxiety is really, truly impeding your score, I would consider seeing if maybe a therapist or your PCP could consider writing a letter that you can present to LSAT stating that you have anxiety and this would allow you to potentially get extra time. I am not sure if you need a definitive diagnosis like GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) or ADHD but it can be worth exploring especially if it is causing this much of an impediment.

    2. Are you taking the PT's exactly as they would be proctored on test day? A lot of times ppl do not mimic the exact conditions and this can end up reflecting a change of score. Is there a friend or someone that you can ask to proctor you every now and then virtually so you can have very similar conditions to test day? Go to the room you'd take the test in and mimic as much as possible test day conditions. Only take the 10 min break LSAT gives, have a friend or relative act like a proctor etc.

    3. I am not sure what your exact score was or your dream school is but, have you considered just applying with the score you got? I have two friends who got into good law schools and their score was 150 and 151. I tend to stay from reading too many online forums in regards to the law application process because there is a big tendency, almost toxic, that you HAVE to get a 160 or above to get into law school. While these scores are GREAT, they are not the only scores that get people into law school. I know people also want these scores for financial aid reasons and scholarships but I would consider applying with what you got now. You may be stressing yourself out so much that it is impeding your ability to do well and could very well get into law school with the scores you got. I'd give it a shot! Think about it like this. If you don't get in, then you'd just have to study again like you are already planning on doing so. So you literally have nothing to lose.

    Hope this helped!

  • cklomoooooo-1cklomoooooo-1 Member
    128 karma

    I am not giving advice on how to release test day anxiety because I personally can’t sleep the night before any big test….
    but a few tips that had helped me in my January test and gets me a 172(within my pt ranges).
    -try meditation, 10minutes before your test can calm your brain and possibly give it a reboots if you had insomnias like I did the night before test
    -try caffeine, different ones (redbull or coffee, energy drink)
    -during your break, try deep breathing and push-ups

    Understand your problem:
    Is the material that bothers or is it your mental stress?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    edited February 2022 8491 karma

    I've found these things to be consistently effective:

    1. In-depth written review of your PTs. With the goal of identifying weaknesses and outputting an actionable plan to improve. Then execute the plan.

    2. Focus on timing strategies. Find your wasted time and fix it.

    3. Practice translation. How efficiently can you take what they give you and turn it into something understandable?

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