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Full ride to T20–Thank you 7Sage

MGreene412MGreene412 Member
in General 50 karma

I suspect this might read like an advertisement, but I’m not ashamed. I just got a full ride to a T20 law school, something that is huge given my background. After a cycle of waitlists and rejections across the board, I decided to retake the LSAT with a focus on following the 7Sage core curriculum; I got a 9 point increase. The resources provided everything I needed to feel confident going into the retake (I could practically hear JY’s voice in my head—lol).

Trust the process, it’ll pay off!


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1630 karma

    Congratulations! We are so happy that we are part of your LSAT journey :)

  • claremontclaremont Core Member
    590 karma

    Congratulations, your hard work paid off!

  • Steph00Steph00 Core Member
    9 karma

    Congratulations! I also hear J.Y's voice in my head when choosing answers lol. Take a small break to take care of yourself now, you deserve it.

  • teechj117teechj117 Alum Member
    296 karma

    This is awesome! How much did you improve from where you started and what was your length of study?

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