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Am I delusional?

AmandaRenee13AmandaRenee13 Member
in General 12 karma

So, I definitely underestimated this exam my first time around (insert clown face emoji) and now I'm planning on taking the exam in Sep or October 2022. Without much preparation at all, I took the exam and got a 138. Needless to say, I was devastated. I'm trying to pick my confidence/dignity to try this again and take the exam seriously. Ideally, I would like to aim for the 160s. Am I delusional to expect such an increase?


  • marbuckle08marbuckle08 Core Member
    edited April 2022 29 karma

    No, you are not delusional. However, to increase your score 22+ points will take a a lot of dedication and studying. There are testimonials on youtube about people doing just that. It just takes a significant amount of prep work and studying. Stay strong and keep on pushing :)

  • Juan23vrJuan23vr Live Member
    304 karma

    No you're not delusional to for expecting an increase but you are delusional if you thought taking the exam in the first place with no prep was a good idea to begin with. You wasted someone's spot

  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    easy cowboy ^. if you dedicate a lot of time to logic games, you can easily jump up in score. I would start there in the core curriculum, practice that a bunch and take another practice test and see if your score improves at all. Then work on your LR. RC is one the hardest to improve on in a short amount of time. Good luck!

  • 40 karma

    No. You can do it.

  • Justinnnn-1Justinnnn-1 Member
    78 karma

    You can definitely do it, I was in the same boat as you about 2 weeks ago when I couldn't get my PT score up. However, it does take a bit of dedication and grind. I started on new years day this year with a 141 raw and a 145 BR. I haven't missed a day since new years of either CC or just practicing LG or LR. I put in about 2 to 3 hours a day 7 days a week. On very busy days just 1 hour (but this has only happened a few times). I scored a PT this weekend at a 155 raw and a BR of 167. :) there is hope!

  • nicole_98nicole_98 Core Member
    53 karma

    Not delusional at all!! Definitely possible-- you have so much time from now until September/October! You got this!!! And if you ever need a study/accountability partner - totally free to dm me!

  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    Not at all! Make a plan and go for it. Aim for 170 !! and you'll land your 160 with ease. Don't underestimate yourself, you can do it.

  • JosieLuna-1-1JosieLuna-1-1 Yearly Member
    6 karma

    Hey! Not Delusional. I took a PT early this year and got raw score of 132. Studied on and off until late feb, I started grinding PTs and now ( April ) I am averaging 155-158.

  • evazagarzhevskiy98evazagarzhevskiy98 Yearly Member
    1 karma

    Absolutely not delusional! This exam is HARD and a lot of us start with low scores but the good news is that if you put the time in, your score can increase faster than you think!

  • eyesomehyez77eyesomehyez77 Member
    53 karma

    You can do it! My first PT score was 147 and I managed to get over 20 points increase. Now I'm aiming for 177+ by giving myself more time to prepare for the exam. You just need to work hard and think like how LSAT writers think.

  • AmandaRenee13AmandaRenee13 Member
    12 karma

    Thank y'all so much. I really appreciate your candor and kindness!

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