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2 month study plan (help needed!!)

100180180100180180 Member
in General 20 karma

I started using 7sage with a 2 month study timeline since I'm taking the August 2022 test. It's way too much information crammed into each day/week and I've already covered much of this information with other programs as I've been studying for about a year. Any tips on how to cut down on some of the 7sage lessons and minimize the course to better fit a 2 month plan???


  • JessDoctorateJessDoctorate Member
    52 karma

    Nothing can really replace going through it all, but if you're going to condense it I would say focus on the core curriculum for areas in which you struggle and start taking PTs/blind reviewing. Use the analytics function to narrow down areas in which you should focus.

  • C_S_D 01C_S_D 01 Member
    252 karma

    I think Jess's advice is sound. If you customize your usage of the CC to your areas of weakness, that will be more efficient. So for example, if you have trouble with LR Weakening questions, watch the relevant videos (strengthening and Weakening) create some problem sets, do your BR with journaling and then review the Curriculum lessons again to see what stands out. Then repeat.

  • jasg2345jasg2345 Alum Member
    edited June 2022 59 karma

    i would recommend focusing mainly on Logic Games curriculum and all of Logical reasoning curriculum since those will be the ones where you gain the most points. What I have been doing after logic games curriculum is drilling logic games core curriculum section.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    As @jasg2345 recommended, I’d suggest studying LG and, assuming you’re not already nailing it, LR. In two months, the sections you’re likely to see the most improvement in are LG and LR. If you’re doing well in these, focus on RC.

  • FutureQlawyerFutureQlawyer Member
    44 karma

    Before you set an arbitrary timeframe, can you answer the following question.

    What was your diagnostic score?

    People underestimate what it takes to do well on the LSAT. In most cases, 2 months is no where near enough time to understand the test, let alone, improve your score. Be honest with yourself before setting a timeframe.

  • HopefullyHLSHopefullyHLS Member
    445 karma

    The most important question is: what is your score goal?

    In case it is 170+ and you‘re not remotely there yet, I would honestly postpone the exam and take it more slowly and strategically if I were you. Cramming all the information in 2 months is not a good plan for most of us.

    Please don‘t let your timeframe dictate your score goal, rather do it vice versa. And please don‘t take the August exam for the sake of taking it, the number of attempts for each candidate is limited.

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