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East Coast Summer Study Group for August 2023 LSAT (VIRTUAL)

Nick RyanNick Ryan Member
in Study Groups 6 karma

Backstory is I'm applying for my second year, I have a 160 on the books but applied way too late so I'm taking another shot in August before I put in applications in the 22 cycle.

I consistently test out at 165, looking to work on my endurance for RC and LR but I haven't done any LG in a few months. If others are is in a similar setting then let's get a study group off the ground.


  • katelynrapinikatelynrapini Core Member
    4 karma

    Hey, planning on taking the April 2023 and August 2023 depending on how that goes. I would definitely be down to make a study group!

  • Ana Luisa HidalgoAna Luisa Hidalgo Live Member
    19 karma

    im interested

  • ssambhi11ssambhi11 Core Member
    74 karma

    Count me in

  • Nick RyanNick Ryan Member
    6 karma

    Hi all,

    I should have taken better care to set notifications with 7Sage, just now noticing your comments. There was another student that reached out to me directly, so that makes five. If still interested, let me know and I can build a GroupMe thread for better messaging options.

    Basic things that we need to figure out IMO is timing, availability, focus efforts, and expectations. I'm sure there's something being left out, include any necessary considerations that I've missed in my rush to get this out. Email me at if you find this to be as unintuitive as I do- if not, I'll start making a habit of checking the forums

  • Nick RyanNick Ryan Member
    6 karma

    Made the GroupMe Chat, If still interested shoot me an email so I can reply with an invite.

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