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Auto drilling mode

ray_dawgray_dawg Member
in General 46 karma

When using auto drilling, is there a way to ensure it does not repeat previously drilled questions?
For instance, if you choose to drill 10 random LR questions that you got wrong in all your PTs, then you finish that, if you do another set of 10 random, will it be sure to not repeat any of the previous 10?


  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    848 karma

    Hi there,

    Let me look into this and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thank you!

  • ray_dawgray_dawg Member
    46 karma

    Thank you. It looks like it automatically chooses to drill from the oldest to newest. If there can be a way to filter the tool to drill from missed questions from a chosen set of PT's that would be helpful.
    In my case I want to drill only more recent missed questions, and no easy way to do that with this feature the way it is now.

  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    edited June 2022 848 karma

    Hi @ray_dawg ,

    Thank you for your suggestion. We are always striving to improve and your suggestions will help shape the next iterations of 7Sage.

    Regarding your question:

    For instance, if you choose to drill 10 random LR questions that you got wrong in all your PTs, then you finish that, if you do another set of 10 random, will it be sure to not repeat any of the previous 10?

    If you have created a drill for 10 LR questions in the "Incorrect when last taken - PT (100 questions in pool)" and answered 8 LR questions correctly, then they will be removed from the "Incorrect last taken - PT" pool. The 2 incorrect questions will remain in the pool, but will have a lower priority for the selection in the next drill given that it has been taken 2 times now. You will now see "10 LR questions, Incorrect when last taken - PT (92 questions in pool).

    Please note that an item (question, passage, game) is labeled as "incorrect last" when it has been incorrectly answered (or no answer was provided) in its most recent appearance inside of either a drill or preptest. The drill/preptest must be completed. Also, an entire game/passage is considered incorrect if 1 or more of its subquestions were answered incorrectly (or no answer provided).

    Let me know if you have any further questions. I’m happy to help!

  • ray_dawgray_dawg Member
    46 karma

    It would be nice to decide which pretests exactly you can choose from with the auto feature as opposed to having to manually decide more recent tests.

  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    848 karma

    @ray_dawg said:
    It would be nice to decide which pretests exactly you can choose from with the auto feature as opposed to having to manually decide more recent tests.

    Hi there,

    Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your suggestion. I have taken note of your suggestion, and I will pass it on to my team.

    In the meantime, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

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