can someone remind me of the strategy for attacking Rc questions under timed conditions. When we see an answer we think is right are we supposed to go with it (b/c the amount of words in this section and time). This entails little checking of other answers underr timed conditions and is a little different from lg and lr in this sense). (after time stops ticking you go back and heck your answers though, like a br type of thing).
My best advice for RC is basically to follow 7sage's methodology. If you are running out of time on RC, it's either because you spent too long reading the passage (perhaps you had to retread paragraphs, or chose to read the whole thing twice), or are having to refer to the passage too frequently (thereby spending valuable time re-reading).
The time issues are almost invariably from issues related to information retention; if you have to reread even one paragraph, or reference back on a question you ought to be able to answer from memory, that's where your time is going. Always read each answer choice, if only to confirm the one you suspect is correct.
I struggled with the 4 RC passages not because I could not understand them but because of timing issues. In my quest to improve, I have come up with certain items that have proven helpful to me. The points below reflect my learning from 7Sage, of course, and also the book LSAT Trainer (chapters on RC). I hope these points resonate with some of you and help you master this section. Please add/modify/correct my ideas. Also, If you have questions, let me know. We can all benefit from the discussion. Best of luck to you all!
I. It is absolutely critical that you identify the main point of the passage and main points of each paragraph. If you identify the main point, this alone will help you answer 3-4 of the questions in a passage.
II. Rather than focusing on reading faster, I have focused on reading better i.e. identify without a doubt the main point (s). The focus is on what is primary vs. secondary (details).
III. I do not try to remember details. This is impossible. I remember where the details are so I can go back to verify the final answer or to confirm a decision between two finalists.
IV. I note the voice/tone of the author. I circle any word that provides a clue. Also, I keep track of the internal structure of the passage. I do this mentally at the end of my read. It is fairly obvious because the passages are versions of a combo of the following: presentation of a problem, thesis, idea, etc.; main point; for- against, application and/or information, and background information.
V. Just as critical as understanding the passage, it is absolutely critical to understand what the questions are asking. This is where I was wasting most of my time; since I did not have a precise idea of the question, many answers seemed plausible and I wasted my time reading and re-reading finalists. I am still trying to perfect this area but this is what I have learned thus far:
1. Pay attention to the scope of the question: i.e. specific or general
2. Pay attention to the type of question & learn to decipher what they are asking:
a. If the question says: Main point of the passage= what the passage is all about according to THE AUTHOR.
b. A question like “which one of the following most accurately characterizes the author’s attitude toward Tutuola’s position in world literature” blah, blah, blah = this simply means What AUTHOR thinks of Tutola’s position in world of lit In other words, learn to summarize the question. Most importantly, this question is completely connected to the Author’s main point or at the very least, it will not go against the Author’s main point. As obvious as this main seem, at first, I just did not make the connection.
c. Other “translations” that may be useful: “According to the passage some critics have criticized T’s work on the grounds that” blah, blah, blah = this means why is T criticized according to the Author.; The primary purpose of the passage is = WHY the Author wrote it; “which one of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph?” = this simply means “purpose of the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph”, why this sentence is there? And so on. If you can crisply identify what the question is all about, then, the wrong answers do not seem as tempting any more.
VI. Once you identify the 1 or two finalists, scrutinize each word. Treat it/them like a MBT question: look at “all,” “some”, “most” “should” etc.. For instance, a wrong answer that I picked read: “The author shows ardent approval of most aspects of the theory”. This was wrong on 2 counts: “ardent” was too strong of a word (although the Author was completely committed to the idea) but also because the passage discussed only ONE aspect of the theory so I could not conclude “MOST aspects of the theory”. Some very tempting wrong answers will have a part that is completely aligned with the passage but the second part will be out of scope, not mentioned at all in the passage, or will conflate.
I guess my last advice -- and what took me from -4/-5 to -0/-2 was this: find a way to get really interested in each passage, and convince yourself you are not allowed to go back and reread anything. I've programmed these ideas into my head, and it has drastically improved my RC.
Best of luck, mate.
I am still working on deciding what is important/primary and what is secondary. This is what has helped me:
1. Focus on when the AUTHOR "speaks/has an opinion". This usually leads to a main point....seems obvious, ah? but it is not if one is not used to this type of test.
2. Also pay attention to opposing ideas.
3. Keep the STRUCTURE of the passage in your mind i.e. 1st paragraph intro of thesis-author states her view; second paragraph, author expands on her view, etc. etc. This is critical because it will help you when you need to get back to look for a detail and/or to confirm an answer.
Try this and see if you can get the main idea, support and opposing views. Summarize them in your head in less than 30 seconds and go to the questions. Come back to the text only when there is a detail and you need confirmation. I would do the questions under un-timed conditions at first until you feel comfortable with the system.
Two more things that may be useful:
A. Always work from WRONG to RIGHT: this means, ATTACK ( and by that I mean be aggressive) a question looking to eliminate answer choices (i.e. A-wrong because it is about one theory and not most theories, C- wrong because author never mentioned international writers, D-wrong because it is the other way around, X influenced writers not the writers influenced X.) Once you do this, the clutter disappears and you can focus on the two finalists or the finalist. If you have 2 finalists, DO NOT compare them against each other (I do this all the time!
B. Do not answer the most wordy question in each passage: the analogy one, or the weaken one, you know the one I am talking about. These type of questions take a lot of time which can better spent in answering 2 or 3 30-second questions on the next passage. Remember, this is about points (In the past I always felt I "needed" to answer every question .. I needed to prove I am smart
I hope this helps. Finally, I can offer this. I started by barely being able to read 2 passages to now being able to read 4 passages and going through 1/2 of the questions on the last passage. So I still need to improve...but I guess what I want to say is that there is hope. You CAN get there. If you have more questions or would like to discuss via phone, feel free to email me at I will be glad to help however I can.
All the best!
It's nice to see such attentiveness and dedication within the 7sage community. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.