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I have been studying for the lsat for a bit, however certain circumstances have occurred that I am not prepared to be taking the October LSAT, is there still a chance for me to apply to 2023 August if I take the January LSAT?
I wouldn't apply
. I would take the test in January and knock it out of the park, and basically be ready to submit your applications August of 2023. You will have a better shot in general doing this.
It is not too late. You would just need to submit your materials before then (before Jan 15 is usually the priority deadine) and let them know you lsat score will be coming later. I would only do so, if you are confident on your ability to take exam. For example, it is not your first time taking it and you are looking to raise a few points.
chances will be lower but certainly not too late as long as you send in your applications before the end of the month.
Depends on your schools, tbh. I know plenty of people who applied later in the cycle and got into their dream school or one of their tops. Though, you'll have to have personal statements and recs on file/sent in beforehand. I would apply still apply.