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PT 80's

Green123Green123 Member
edited November 2022 in Logical Reasoning 13 karma

I know many people have said the pts in the 80's LR are more difficult. I do feel like they are, but even if they are more difficult they feel different. My question is how do I approach LR in the 80's. I scored -9 in pt 80 and 81 and -6 in the 70's. PLEASE HELP :((((


  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    If you want to maximize how much you learn from the 80s before you go through them all in a flash, you have to do very very in depth review of everything you got wrong and I would add review of every question you didn’t complete within the target time or that simply felt hard for you.

    A lot of the increased difficulty in the 80s comes from much trickier answer choices. In depth review should include you articulating exactly why an answer choice is wrong and if you want to challenge yourself, think about how you would change that answer choice to be correct with the given stimulus. This will teach you how to see the nuances between answer choices which in turn makes the whole process much much easier.

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