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Core Curriculm

HoneyCabbage-1-1HoneyCabbage-1-1 Core Member
in General 49 karma

I am about 28% through the CC and I honestly cannot feel myself progressing, perhaps it will all come to fruition once I finish it and begin taking PT's but I can't lie, it becomes really discouraging to consistently get so many of the drill sets wrong :/ any advice i guess lol


  • selah403selah403 Member
    82 karma

    Hey! Well that sucks

    How much time are you spending doing the CC at one time? A big part of learning from the curriculum for me is taking time to digest it.

    I don't study too much within one session. I study, and then what I cover for that day, I make sure I understand it before I move on.

    For instance, when I was working with MSS, I really struggled in the later practice sections, so I halted and went back over the questions I was struggling with. I looked over them and worked through them until I understand every detail.

    If you don't feel like you can teach a subject you just studied, then you need to slow down and go back over it. If that means going back over the basics, then do it!! Conquer don't slide by. Do your best to glean everything you can from every part of the curriculum.

    I hope this helps!

  • HoneyCabbage-1-1HoneyCabbage-1-1 Core Member
    49 karma

    @selah403 I attempt to study between 4-8 hours a day once I get off of work. I definitely have been trying to glide through CC as fast as I can so that I can see where I am at and begin PT as quick as I can, which I am now realizing as I type this out is extremely counter intuitive lol, I suppose my best option is to now go back and really drill the practice sets on the CC until I 100% comprehend them.

  • selah403selah403 Member
    82 karma

    oh wow!

    Yes digestion of the coursework is very important. Good luck!

  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    195 karma

    Hi @selah403 ,

    I definitely agree with what has already been said here! It’s very important to take your time with the core curriculum and make sure you really digest the concepts and drill those fundamentals. Like any subject you study, you learn the material all semester before preparing yourself for the exam towards the end. This is not so different. You will have time when you start taking PT’s to address your weaknesses and take them down one by one, but you can’t get to that place without the fundamentals. In addition, making improvements when you start taking practice tests will be much more difficult if you don’t have that solid base and you’ll have to end up coming back to the CC anyways!

    I would definitely make sure you understand things well enough before moving on. You don’t have to completely ace a question type before going to the next, but you definitely shouldn’t do so if you have no idea what’s going on. Take notes, try and connect each concept you learn to the next and try and keep your focus less on results and more on process. If you can understand that this is a journey and the part you’re on right now isn’t so results oriented, I think you’ll be in a better spot mentally! Let me know if you have any questions.

    If you get through the core curriculum or even feel that you need assistance while you are completing it and want to talk to one of our expert tutors about how we can help you create a game plan for the time between now and test day, feel free to use this link to schedule a free consultation! We work with you to diagnose your current weaknesses and put together a weekly study plan to help you spend your time as efficiently as possible, pick up those points, and reach your goal score.

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