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Hey Everyone! I am looking to form a study group who meets via Zoom AT LEAST 2-3 times a week to prepare for the June 2023 Exam. ***This will be my first time taking the LSAT.
I'm interested depending on the time!
^ Same
Im interested!
interested as well!
Interested as well
I'm interested
Super interested!!! Messaging you now
I'm interested, depending on time
I am too! I am in EST time
I'm interested as well depending on the time.
I'm also interested! I would love to drill together or try to explain questions to each other. My discord is: Alexander.#7715
I'm down!
I'm interested!
I’d be interested as well. What time? I’m in EST
I'd also be interested! I need people to keep me accountable Lol
I'm interested!
Also interested!
also interested!
Also interested
I am interested!
I am interested!
hi! im interested as well! for anyone that sees this, I've made a slack channel if you'd like to join
I’m Interested as well
I'm in!!!
I am interested also.
I'm interested! Also, my first time to take the LSAT's
I'm in!
In in EST aiming for mid-170's, if you're in the same boat send me a message!
Im interested !
Im interested!
im interested!!
It will be my first time too, definitely interested
I am most definitely interested!
I am interested!! This will also be my first time taking the LSAT
I am interested too!! Please add me in any group message.
i'm very interested!!
also interested if it's after work hours EST!
I am also interested!
I am also interested!
Also interested!
Interested as well
I am interested as well.
I'm also interested!
I'm also interested!
I'm interested depending on the times as well!