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Should I send an LOCI?

I read the guides but this admission cycle is not normal. I am still waiting on 7 decisions, all of which I am really interested in attending. Should I send an LOCI? Or stick it out?


  • blanklawblanklaw Member
    490 karma

    Following!!!! Would love an answer ASAP

  • Jacob BaskaJacob Baska Member Admissions Consultant
    26 karma

    Hey BeepBoop and blanklaw,

    7Sage Admissions Consultant here to chime in!

    There's a lot of "it depends" here. The big one is "when did you apply?" If it's within the past few weeks (let's say in 2023), then schools are probably still just processing your app along a normal pace. But if you applied back in crazy old days of 2022...? Then it could be worthwhile to send a check in message.

    And notice how I'm calling it a "check in." Technically, a LOCI is something you send if you're on the waitlist somewhere. But if you haven't heard anything, then we're just checking in.

    As far as the message goes, it doesn't have to be anything fancy: introduce yourself, mention when you applied and when your app went complete, and what your current app status is via your status checker. Briefly mention that you understand that the admissions committee is working hard and has likely received a lot of applications this year, but you just wanted to check in and offer to address any questions the committee may have regarding your candidacy. You can also note some of the main reasons why this school is among your top choices and why you're so excited to hear back from them about a decision. Notice how you aren't asking "WHERE IS MY DECISION?!?!" You're just checking in, offering to help if they need assistance, and mentioning again how interested you are in attending. The subtext can be ALL CAPS while your words directly say "I'm a professional."

    I hope that helps!

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