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Trouble Scheduling Through Prometric

Lizzyrex78Lizzyrex78 Alum Member
in General 30 karma

Hi is anyone else struggling to schedule through Prometric? I have been stuck trying to get a time for the last half hour but it keeps on saying there are no available times. #help



    285 karma

    same here

  • nesshakknesshakk Live Member
    55 karma

    I keep typing my eligibility ID and it says"The identification number entered was not recognized, Please try again." Anyone else having this issue?

  • Lizzyrex78Lizzyrex78 Alum Member
    30 karma

    No I have not had that issue make sure it's the whole number from your LSAC account maybe! It still has not worked for me I keep trying :(

  • jchanggoawayjchanggoaway Alum Member
    43 karma

    I'm still in queue. Joined around 3:20pm MT and was position 7500-ish. Now it's 3:53pm and I'm at 2200.

  • infinityandbeyond-1infinityandbeyond-1 Alum Member
    112 karma

    Even if you wait and enter their registration page, it only says no availability. This is insane.

  • scdombrowskiscdombrowski Core Member
    11 karma

    I'm also getting no times available for the remote test - I've made it to the front of the queue a few times but no dice! I guess maybe they've all filled up already somehow?

  • lsatlover-1lsatlover-1 Live Member
    42 karma

    Same here..i entered at 2:02pm pacific time and it just keeps saying no availability found for the remote exam..
    and i've been on hold with the phone on LSAC for 20 minutes now sigh

  • Lizzyrex78Lizzyrex78 Alum Member
    30 karma

    No way they are already filled up. This is going so slow I bet since no one has been able to schedule. I tried to call their help desk but it says they are closed. Please keep any updates if anyone is able to schedule

  • shehani21shehani21 Alum Member
    5 karma

    Same here. I cannot select any times. I think since this is ProScheduler's first time with the LSAC they weren't really prepped with the amount of candidates scheduling the LSAT...

  • jake.cohen300jake.cohen300 Alum Member
    10 karma

    cannot find any times for remote and am out of queue smh

  • smbani111smbani111 Live Member
    21 karma

    I’m having the same issue. Once I select the time zone and test date, it says no availability found. I called the Prometric phone number provided by LSAC in their scheduling email and I’ve been on hold for 25 minutes.

  • evanescenceevanescence Core Member
    194 karma

    I was over 6,000 in the queue and waited over an hour only to be given the option of testing at a centre. I've re-clicked the link from my LSAC email to schedule a remote test, but now am back in the queue :(

  • 21 karma

    same - even if you get in, you'll likely see "no seats available" :(

  • TheDiscoTheDisco Alum Member
    10 karma

    Disaster lol

    Hopefully they fix it

  • jake.cohen300jake.cohen300 Alum Member
    10 karma

    on hold with lsac for 20 mins as well over here no update

  • A WalnutA Walnut Alum Member
    28 karma

    remote spots aren't available anymore :( hope they fix this

  • lsatlover-1lsatlover-1 Live Member
    edited July 2023 42 karma

    What is everyone going to do now? Are you guys still waiting in line or just going to try again tomorrow? Or are you guys going to reschedule for a test center?

  • zoewassonzoewasson Core Member
    11 karma

    I tried scheduling 30 mins before it opened and made it all the way to the time zone/date page and it said nothing available. I thought that was just because I was early so I tried again when it opened and still nothing is available so I am not sure if it is full or if they are just having tech issues

  • evanescenceevanescence Core Member
    194 karma

    Why did they have to change from ProctorU lol

  • kiwichipkiwichip Core Member
    18 karma


  • emily0315emily0315 Core Member
    23 karma

    I’ve had the same issue since it opened. Has anyone been able to schedule a time for either test center or remote?

  • larsenemma2larsenemma2 Core Member
    26 karma

    same here, i cant get any times or dates and even my eligibility number had issues from the start.

  • nesshakknesshakk Live Member
    55 karma

    @larsenemma2 how did you fix you eligibility number? I am having the same exact issue. It is giving me a message "Error - The identification number entered was not recognized, Please try again."

  • jchanggoawayjchanggoaway Alum Member
    43 karma

    So I walked away from my laptop for like 15 minutes, leaving the no availability page open by accident. I came back and it had refreshed on its own, showing spots available for registration. I was able to snatch one up.

    (@evanescence I also clicked on remote scheduling option but ended up on the test center page so i'm going to do the test center instead.)

  • omererezomererez Alum Member
    21 karma

    Has anyone gotten a hold of LSAC?

  • larsenemma2larsenemma2 Core Member
    26 karma

    @nesshakk I ended up putting my number in at least 10 times before it finally accepted it.

  • nesshakknesshakk Live Member
    55 karma

    @larsenemma2 I have literally been doing doing it the past 2 hours and it is the same error message. I am on the phone with LSAC and they cannot help me either

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    knew this would be worse than ProctorU ..."the devil you know"

  • larsenemma2larsenemma2 Core Member
    26 karma

    anyone else trying to schedule for remote but only getting test centers?

  • lions guylions guy Alum Member
    edited July 2023 51 karma

    Got to front of queue, then said error. This is a mess

  • lsatlover-1lsatlover-1 Live Member
    edited July 2023 42 karma

    Does anyone know if the testing centers also do accomodations? I am in queue again for 2 hours and it won't let me do remote. but if i need a testing center, i am not sure if it'll have the accomodations. thank you~

    285 karma

    other than @jchanggoaway did anyone get a spot bc it seems like it's technical issues rather than filled spots

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    @Lizzyrex78 said:
    No way they are already filled up. This is going so slow I bet since no one has been able to schedule. I tried to call their help desk but it says they are closed. Please keep any updates if anyone is able to schedule

    I know some who have claimed to schedule.

  • larsenemma2larsenemma2 Core Member
    26 karma

    @ELPISTOLERO9 I finally got it. waited 2 hours trying to get remote but for some reason it just switched on me to test centers. waiting for an hour trying to get times and finally two times popped up for me. I am not sure what i did, but i guess enough refreshing and redoing the first few steps worked. Didn't want a test center, but at this point I will take what i can get

    285 karma

    @larsenemma2 I've been getting test centers for a while but honestly don't want to miss out on a remote spot just bc they are having technical issues

  • emily0315emily0315 Core Member
    edited July 2023 23 karma

    Would it be best to schedule at a test center then change later to remote when they fix the issue? Or will they give us a hard time later?

  • scdombrowskiscdombrowski Core Member
    11 karma

    tried twice (and failed twice) to get a remote spot but after over 2 hours I was able to secure a spot at the testing center!

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    Now I'm getting scam calls after calling Prometric, asking for personal information urgently, pretending they work for Amazon. I never get scam calls, maybe a coincidence.

  • sarahemily1000sarahemily1000 Alum Member
    12 karma

    I tried scheduling remotely and then my laptop died after not giving me any slots. Then when I put it on the charger and went back in, it offered me testing centers only. Does anyone know if it is a problem if we switch?

  • emily0315emily0315 Core Member
    23 karma

    It’s giving me the options for the test centers but when i try to confirm a time it doesn’t let me. Is anyone else having that problem?

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    The closest testing center to me is 3 hours away...

  • koyakoyakoyakoyakoyakoya Alum Member
    17 karma

    This is awful. I even tried a bunch of different time zones. Nothing works.

  • LawgicMasterLawgicMaster Alum Member
    32 karma

    I've been on hold with Prometric for two hours (and counting).

  • ambikavsambikavs Core Member
    23 karma

    I just got off Hold w LSAC and they said that the no time slots available issue and only getting the in person option has been widespread and that they are trying to solve it. They also told me that it appears that there won't be a cap on the time slots to sign up for if you're taking a remote test and that we should be getting some sort of update soon when the issue is fixed !! So i would just wait for that update and come back and try signing up friday or monday.

  • jchanggoawayjchanggoaway Alum Member
    43 karma

    Is anyone else thinking they don't trust this new provider with remote-proctoring, given what's happening right now?? (Not that anyone can even get a remote appointment at this time...)

  • smbani111smbani111 Live Member
    21 karma

    LSAC just sent an updated email and they are trying to fix this issue. It gives those who chose the test centre option to change it to the remote exam after the problem has been fixed.

  • studyingstudent5studyingstudent5 Alum Member
    18 karma

    I was able to register--took about 2 hours of retrying

  • A WalnutA Walnut Alum Member
    28 karma

    It's up again! I just scheduled. Good luck to everyone.

  • lt175lt175 Member
    34 karma

    Did anyone receive a confirmation email from Prometric? I selected a time slot and clicked on "Reserve Test Time" but nothing happened later. How do we know we actually reserve the time slot?

  • lsatlover-1lsatlover-1 Live Member
    42 karma

    @lt175 I also said reserve test time and clicked it multiple times but nothing happened..then it refreshed and now i'm back in the queue.

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