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165 -> 163 (Oct 2023) should I cancel?

tw_hope124tw_hope124 Live Member

I am not sure if i should cancel or not. the percentiles and score bands are very different. Has anyone here cancelled and had a good outcome?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    I haven't applied with cancelled tests or spoken to any admissions folks, but my gut tells me cancelling probably wouldn't be that helpful in your situation. I imagine that anyone in admissions would just assume your cancelled score is lower than a 165, so they're going to assume you scored no higher than a 164. I think it's totally possible, however, that they'd assume your cancelled score was significantly lower than a 164 (like something in the 150s or lower). I don't know if that perception would hurt you much, but I can't imagine that it would help. If I was reading your score records and you kept your score, I'd think that the 163 shows you didn't score significantly lower than 165, obviously, but also that your 165 wasn't a fluke. You've proven you can repeatedly score in that area and that you didn't just get lucky on an attempt.

    Again, though, I'm just speaking from my gut, so definitely seek out the opinion of others. Good luck with everything admissions!

  • tw_hope124tw_hope124 Live Member
    42 karma

    @"Matt Sorr" thank you for the response, what you've said makes total sense. I will talk to others but I think much like you said, keeping shows the 165 wasn't a fluke.

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