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Looking for a study buddy January 2024 lsat

arejay290arejay290 Live Member
edited December 2023 in Study Groups 29 karma


I'm looking for some folks who would want to do in-depth review of questions/tests in anticipation of January 2024 lsat (but also any test date before June which will be the last LG administration). Happy to do all three sections.

I currently have an 8-5 (PST) job so I'm mostly available either after work, on the weekends, or before work.

I'm open to meeting online through Zoom or something similar.

Current range is from 169-175, but by no means am I only looking for study buddies who are within that range.

EDIT as of 12/5/23 -- I do weekly facetime calls on Discord to study with others..message me directly if you want to join!


  • juliafox6juliafox6 Alum Member
    16 karma

    Hey! I'm just beginning studying again after taking a long break. I'm currently in 145 area. I'd love to study with you! I'm in eastern time so I think i'm three hours ahead of you, which wouldn't be a big deal for me if we started someone between 6-7:30 (your time), during the week.

  • sry21sry21 Alum Member
    4 karma

    Hi I am also studying for the January 2024. I have taken the exam before and had not done so well. I have found the lessons in 7 sage are actually really helpful. I hope to achieve 155+ right now I am and have been stuck in the 136 area as per my score.

  • iris.revered21iris.revered21 Alum Member
    edited April 1 13 karma

    Hi, I am interested

  • awhitehurst7awhitehurst7 Core Member
    6 karma

    Hi - I am also working 9-5 (EST) but would love to join this study group to prepare for January!

  • Avatario43Avatario43 Core Member
    198 karma

    im interested and same thing for time! especially lr and reading!!! aiming for 162-164 at least from a 159

  • roserasharoserasha Alum Member
    40 karma

    Aiming for a 175/180 would love to study with you

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