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Does anyone know if i can bring a ruler to the remote lsat?

mrcatcatmrcatcat Core Member
in General 6 karma

Been using it to draw LG Diagrams. I'm registered for April, so if I can't use it, better to know sooner than later so I can amend my approach. Not a huge deal imo, but it helps keeps the diagrams a bit cleaner, would probably be 1 minute slower overall without it. Thanks and let me know.


  • savannasinaisavannasinai Live Member
    7 karma

    From what I recall I wasn't allowed to have much more than a pencil, water-bottle with no label, and a couple scrap pieces of paper.

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1012 karma

    Pencil, eraser, blank pieces of paper, snack in a see through bag, and water bottle was all that was allowed.

  • gabraham196gabraham196 Alum Member
    42 karma

    I just took the Jan test and they didn't let you go in with anything except your ID, they provide pencils and the paper. You could leave snacks in ur bag in the lockers outside for break. But I would recommend for you to stop using the ruler and diff color pens if you do. Practice as how you will be in the test that day (u don't want to feel out of your comfort zone)

  • juliettelee99juliettelee99 Core Member
    66 karma

    If you need the ruler to make straight lines for your diagrams just use the edges of the scratch paper they give you. They usually give you like 3 or 4 folded pieces of scratch paper

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